sweet and sour

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or the one where he's reminded of his effect on you on an unexpected way

Harry wanted to laugh.

He wouldn't do it, not in a million years, not if he was to trust his sister's word - which he did, especially when it came to YN - but the way his girlfriend was looking at him at the moment? It was kind of funny, albeit he could never admit to it aloud.

She had planned at least six different ways to kill him by now, he knew better than to push his luck and make it seven.

"It's gonna be okay, love. Yeh heard the doctor, he's gonna get it out in no time" his voice was soothing and low, fingers squeezing hers where their hands were laced.

"Tell him to stick those sharp things into your mouth then, Harry" the words came out muffled, her eyes welling up with unshed tears "I'm getting out of here" he didn't let go of her hands when the girl stood up, pulling her to his lap instead.

"You know we can't leave, baby. It's just gonna keep hurting you more and more if we wait" YN hated doctors, Harry had learned as much before he knew anything else. She'd do pretty much anything to stay away from them, including hiding from her boyfriend, her roommate and pretty much anyone with eyes for days so they wouldn't know she needed her wisdom teeth removed.

I mean, the left side of her face was so swollen the singer had no idea how she could stand to press it against his chest like she was doing right in that moment, but YN swore the warmth rolling off his body felt nice when he asked about it, so...

"Mind I remind you I am a legal adult now. You and Gem can't be making decisions for me anymore" that bit actually made him chuckle for a second: she was only a couple of years younger than him, yeah, but she was his first love, sue him for being protective.

"We can always call mum" she was ready to kick the guy in whatever part of his body was closer for bringing Anne into it when they heard the door opening, so YN just sat up straight instead, giving him the meanest look she could muster while mumbling under her breath:

"If I die, I'm never speaking to you again."


"You didn't die" his heart slowed down when she blinked lazily at him after the surgery was over. Who knew an hour could take so long to pass? "Doctor says it was all smooth sailing, baby" they needed to use a light sedative before local anesthesia, so she was going to be floaty for a while still, but Harry was actually looking up to that: he loved it when she was all cuddly and unapologetic about it. He never got enough of that, actually.

"Feels weird" the words were muffled and strung together as she pushed herself up, Harry's arm slung over her waist to keep her steady. "You're pretty" it came when he leaned down to kiss her forehead, the girl to their left cleaning up the dentist's supplies winking at him when he blushed like a schoolboy upon hearing the compliment.

"You're all drugged up, but thanks, love" getting YN onto her coat with loose limbs and a not so surprising urge to play with the mop of hair in the top of his head was tricky, but Harry eventually did it, listing aftercare tips from the doctor under his breath while they walked back to the parking lot: he saw a lot of cold soups and ice cream on his near future, which was alright. A lot of negotiating as well, since his girl wasn't the best at taking things slow and she'd have to for the next days.

"Milady" she moved away slowly when he opened the passenger door, laughing loudly when Harry leaned over to strap her seatbelt on "Let's get you home already, yeah? Wanna sleep some of this off?"

"I'm going home with you?" that was a question he hadn't heard in years, wonder lacing her tone. Man, Harry really should be recording some of this to bug her with later.

"Would be a shitty boyfriend if I let you go back on your own now, sweetheart. You're stuck with me, I guess" she just stared at him for a second after that, getting distracted by the traffic once they were out on the street and Styles thought that was it, she would probably take a nap on their ride home, but then she tapped her knee and he averted his gaze back to her instantly

"They should use you more often" a pause, then YN explained "Sexy, inked up home nurse whenever you come to the doctor? Insurance would make even more money"

"You're sharing now, then? That's a new one, baby"

"I'll share when you do, dimples" took her a minute, but of course not even a fogged-up mind would get in the way of YN.

Hazards of being in love with a little teaser, he supposed

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see you soon! xxx

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