just a little late (you found me) - I

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or, the one where fate, the master of coincidences, brings Harry right back to someone he's been trying to forget for years now.

It happened at the freaking supermarket.

Honestly, her life was some sort of cosmic joke, Y/N was sure. Like, there was no other explanation.

He shouldn't be there. When they split up, the girl moved back to New York because she knew Harry wasn't really fond of the city, but she had always loved it, with the constant noise and the big crowds that made you feel pretty much invisible most of the time. After being married to one of the biggest superstars in the world, it was just what she needed.

She had just wanted to forget, as impossible as it was when it came to him. Move on from the heartbreak of losing the one man she thought was going to be by her side forever.

That was over four years ago, and of course, he would pop back up in her life when the woman finally started to feel like she was ready to let him go for good.

That was just her luck. However, it shouldn't have happened at a supermarket.

"Darling? You ok?" Erick's voice brought her back from her trip down memory lane with a start, forcing her to look away from the sea of green she had drowned in once before.

"Yeah...I just...was trying to remember if we got everything" her smile was faulty as her heart hammered against her chest, so she looked down at the toddler standing beside her new boyfriend: Teddy's lopsided smile always reminded her about the good side of that whole mess.

"Mum, look! Lick got candy" the little guy was holding on to a box of cereal that was almost as big as himself, his curls bouncing as he pointed to the tiger on it.

"Did he now?" she asked, bending down to pick him up, needing to have him close as the last years of her life came crashing down on her. Damn, why did Harry have to like doing his own thing? This whole "encounter" would never have happened if he was one of those stupid rockstars who spent his days getting seen in high profile spaces.

Or if she hadn't decided to keep things from him in the first place.

"Don't give me that look, you're running out" telling Rick who Teddy's father was had never been an option, mainly because Harry was an open wound that Y/N didn't want to poke at but at that moment, she was really fucking glad for keeping her mouth shut.

Thanks to that, the sweet guy she had been with for the past year thought nothing of the hurtful look the tall guy gave them from across the aisle as soon as their fingers laced.

It was better like that.

She knew he was going to call. Harry wasn't stupid, she could bet he knew Theodore was his as soon as he landed his eyes on the kid. But if she knew him, and she did, he wasn't about to forget it and go on with his life just because that was what she had made him do for the past years.

So, she knew he was going to call, but seeing his face pop up on the screen after so long almost gave the woman a heart attack anyway.

"I have to see ya. We need to talk" no hello. No nice tone either, not that she could blame him for that one

"I know, Harry" his name sounded foreign on her lips now, her voice shaking.

"Did you keep the apartment?"

"I did" she had been livid when he gave her the place in the divorce. It wasn't about his fucking fortune, it had never been, but she could never bring herself to sell it either. The place was full with happy memories, their memories and in the end, raising Teddy in a place that had his father in every nook felt right.

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