at the end of the day

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 or the one where a turn of events is about to show Harry there's no such thing as perfect timing, not when you're trying to deal with matters of love. At the end of the day, did he run out of time?

She hated him.

Last time she wished she was able to stop the time, Y/N was still a little girl. It broke her heart when she was forced to accept that magic was something that belonged in the books, but eventually, she locked that naive part of her away.

Until she met Harry.

Now, with his fingers dancing on her naked back as the minutes passed, she knew that she would give anything away as long as it meant he wouldn't leave.

What, of course, didn't mean the man would stay.

Or that she was about to ask him to, for that matter.

They weren't like that.

She had no idea what they were if she wanted to start being honest with herself. The only thing the girl really knew was that when his hands were on her, when he pushed her close murmuring about how much he missed her while he was gone, she didn't need anything else.

Nothing else mattered.

"I got yeh something, baby" her eyes remained closed even when she felt the mattress shifting under his weight, lips skimming the skin of her neck as his fingers pushed her long hair out of the way. "Bought it in this corner shop in Japan last time I was there" she actually shivered when he got up from the bed, so the girl hugged his pillow, breathing in his scent for a second or two. It was time she got up and left, but her legs were still tingling, the bed was warm and God only knew when he would be back in New York after that weekend.

"You know you don't have to do shit like that, Harry"

"I want to. It's a gift, something I thought you'd like" he was holding a little blue box, smiling down at her in hopes she wouldn't be too mad at him for spending money on her "Here, open it"

When it became clear he wouldn't move, Y/N rolled over, hearing his hearty laugh as she tried to cover herself up, as if he hadn't touched and stared at her body all night long. It was different tho: she didn't mind his eyes on her when they were fucking, the hunger hiding in them every time actually made her feel powerful, pretty even. Now that it was over, all her insecurities were back, however, the only reason she hadn't asked him to look away being the fact that Harry could read her all too well for him to let it go without wanting to talk about it.

As if, honestly.

"Hand it over, Styles" sitting back, she pushed the duvet up as he pretended like he would try and pull it off, grabbing the package as he sat on the edge of the bed, green eyes never leaving her while Y/N lifted the lid on the box to have a look inside

"Don't know what the one your mum gave you looked like, but I thought she would be happy if you wore one again" he explained when she didn't say a thing for far too long for his liking.

"Harry..." she couldn't look at him at the moment. She knew herself, and keeping her voice normal was hard enough without risking seeing the glint of care she could bet would be shining in his bright eyes. One look at him and she would start crying like a fool.

"Do yeh like it?" he picked the frail gold chain up, clicking the locket hanging from it open "Now yeh can carry her around everywhere again" he was referring to a drunk story she shared back when they met, about the piece of jewelry she lost during a London trip, and fuck...he wasn't supposed to remember that. Wasn't supposed to care enough to try and restore one of her fondest memories even if he did.

They weren't like that.

"Thanks, H" she needed a minute to swallow down the lump in her throat, glad he was busy fixing the necklace around her neck, the pendant resting comfortably on her rib cage so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall any second, his nose nuzzling her hair in a sweet manner that made her feel like he was about to say something she wasn't ready to hear...

So the girl decided to leave before he could.

"Sure...lemme drive yeh back home" his face was scrunched up in a confused expression, fingers scraping at his hair as he watched her getting dressed in a hurry, not sure what he had said to ruin the moment

"No need. You got an early flight, should get some sleep" if tension had a voice it would sound just like that, the man could bet money on it.

"I can do that, baby, just need my car keys and we can go..." he wanted her to stay. So badly that the words were on the tip of his tongue, but he bit them back when she didn't even flinch at his offer. Damn it, he thought the gift would be a good way to show Y/N she meant more to him than a quick fuck, that she always had. Thought she'd finally let him in, but apparently it was too soon.

That girl, enchanting as she might be, was still a mystery to him. A mystery he couldn't walk away from, but one all the same.

"Have a safe flight, Harry" giving in to the pull of her weak heart, Y/N ran back to the bed, kissing his lips for a lingering moment, trying to gather the strength to walk away from him.

She started missing him the second the door to the room closed on her back, gripping at the golden pendant to ground herself to the moment.

She was still holding on to it when she tried crossing the street with rain pouring down over her, crashing right into the front of a car speeding down the dark path.

She never let go.

AN: comment and vote, pretty please? seen you soon, xx

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