don't waste the night

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or the one where opposite sides of his world collide and things go terribly wrong before it's time for them to turn right

He could feel her eyes on him the whole time, even as he tried his damn best to focus on whatever his "friends" were saying...the way he remembered those parties, they used to be way more fun.

I mean, the guy would at least be able to keep his eyes on the girl trying to win him over, instead of following a pouty angry figure around the living room with his eyes, just to make sure she wouldn't get in trouble.

YN hated him right now, that was for sure. At least the part of her that hated losing their bet and ended up right there did: Harry wasn't sorry, though.

It was all fair game, besides, watching the girl try to avoid blushing every five seconds was surprisingly endearing.

She was in college, right? She had to find distractions, or she would drive herself and Harry crazy over the next years. She was still YN, so of course she would do that while he watched, but it could be done.

It was just a small reunion that had everyone aware of the risks of messing with her. As long as he kept his drinking and his cock in check, nothing too bad could happen.

"Harry?" the calling made him stand up straighter, trying to move Abby away as he looked over her shoulder, to where YN watched them.

"Yes, kitten?" not even the nickname distracted her from the way Abby's hands clung to his chest when he walked over, a whine leaving the blond's mouth once he was out of reach.

"Can we go home now, please?" she only said it once they got to the balcony, loud music following their footsteps even there

"We've just got here, baby" the man replied, a smirk on his lips, "the bet said that..."

"That was a stupid one!"

"Don't turn into a sore loser now, YN. It's Friday night, it's good to see something other than the walls of your dorm, innit? Look, if you really wanna go, I can take you back but you're not even trying to have fun"

"I'm!" she shot back, pouting finally giving way to a small smile when he took off his jacket and placed it on her shoulders

"Sitting on the couch and glaring at the other girls?"

"I don't know anyone, Harry! Besides, they all keep staring at me. I'm just reciprocating"

"Maybe say hi, then?" he knew it was dangerous, but it was so rare for him to see her worked up about something, he couldn't stop himself from pushing a bit.

"They hate me"

"They don't know you, YN. How could they?"

"They think I'm stealing you away. I keep telling people we're not fucking every time they ask, but girls around here have a terrible time listening. Harry Styles being friends with someone? God forbid that from happening!" she only noticed what she said after the words were out, hiding her face on her hands when he laughed.

"I knew I should get you out more often.... you're even saying fuck aloud now, baby!" stepping forward, the guy pried her hands off and kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger there for a bit when he felt her arms wrapping around his middle, the chaos around them going out of focus when he had her this close: YN was good at that, making him feel like the world was spinning slower "I'm proud of you" he muttered in the most serious tone he could muster, if only to try and break the silence.

"I hate you!"

"See? That's why the girls don't like you on campus, woman. You think they don't know you love to break my heart?" the statement was only half a lie, but if there was something he was good at, it was masking his feelings. She wouldn't notice.

"Harry, shut up!"

"Alright...think you can give me half an hour before we leave? Abby was just talking about how she wants to suck me off and... hey!" the words let a bitter taste on his mouth as he blurted them, but Styles knew she would feel guilt and push him away if she learned he hadn't touched another girl ever since they started hanging out, so he said it anyway. If she could only care for him as a friend, he would take it. It was not her fault that he had gone and turned himself into a fool in love for the only girl he couldn't have, anyway.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To my dorm?"

"On your own?" it was late already, and the place was crawling with drunken idiots.

"I might not be Abby but I'm not stupid either, Styles. I won't stick around while your girl... you know. You don't need an audience" there was something wrong with her voice. It wasn't just annoyed...

"I'm not completely opposed to that either, baby"

"I'm...I'm done. I'm done with you today, Harry" shrugging his jacket off, YN pushed it to his hands, making her way back inside pretending to not hear him calling after her.

"YN! Baby, wait!" he had been around long enough to know following her out was his best shot after really fucking things up, but Harry stopped her when she turned a dark corner without even thinking if it was safe "What happened? What did I say?"

"Nothing! I just wanna go home, H." he was taller and his boots could carry him faster than her heels, so the girl gave up soon enough.

"Right. Let me drive you then, yeah?"

"No. Go back to your friends, I'm fine. Your girl is waiting"

"My girl? Is that the problem? YN, I was messing with you. I don't have a girl, you know that."

"Yeah, because you spend your time with the silly prude girl in her bloody first year!" that had to be the first time he heard her raising her voice, and it was scary. Didn't fit her, didn't even feel right for her to be so upset.

"What? You're not..."

"Don't lie to me. You promised you wouldn't lie to me, Harry"

"You're not silly. And no one has anything to do with what you do, baby. It's your body, love" she was trembling when he pulled her closer, hugging her to his body "I spent time with you because I want to. Cause you're funny, smart, and lovely. I'm your friend, and if they don't get that, they can go fuck themselves. I know I'm a mess sometimes, but you have to trust me on this: I don't care about anything they say or do, alright? You never have to change, not for them, nor for me"

"But what if you get bored? I saw the party, Harry..." she wouldn't look at him now, just kept tracing his tattoos as she did whenever they fell asleep together.

"YN...I don't think there's anything in this world that could ever change the way I feel about you. You're fine. We're fine, ok?"

AN: Do we still like fratboy! harry?  I sure do, but tell me in the comments? Votes are also a magic thing. xxx

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