the one where you have a bad day

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Her apartment was unusually quiet when the man slipped inside that night. At first, he thought she was taking a nap, but his heart almost stopped when he rounded the worn out red couch to find her silently crying there, just staring at the black screen of her TV.

"What's wrong, kitten?" he made sure to keep his voice down, but she looked startled by his presence anyway, trying to wipe her face as Harry crouched down to get a good look at her. "babe, are you in pain? Talk to me, sweetie" she hadn't been texting back all day, but Harry just assumed she had got caught up on her studies, or picked up an extra shift at work. Now, watching her looking so sad, he felt pretty much like the worst boyfriend on earth.

"I'm a failure, Har" she breathed out, right before she was launching herself at him, her arms wrapping around his neck like a vice as her crying picked up again.

God, she was freezing cold, Harry noticed. The only thing she had on was some worn out jumper that hang loose on her collarbones, and a look around her living room told him that, judging by the number of empty coffee mugs scattered around, she had forgotten to feed herself throughout the day.

Getting up with her clinging to him wasn't hard, so he let her cry it out as he walked them both back to her bedroom, his fingers rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"Don't say that, love. Of course yer not a failure" he waited a while to say it, knowing the girl well enough to be sure she wouldn't listen to him unless she let some of her emotions out first. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"I lost my job today, and that..that got me thinking. What if it was the wrong call?" he would never say that aloud, but the fact that she wouldn't have to deal with an overbearing boss again was actually a good thing. "If I had stayed home I'd be a lawyer right now, but instead I chose to move across the world and start over because I have this obsession with writing cheesy romance novels"

"You're following your dream, baby. That's never a bad thing"

"It's me, Harry. I'm the girl who never made a risky move before and now... now I know why: I'm having a meltdown over a crappy job, I don't have time to focus on what I really wanna do, and even if I did...I would need to be really good to get noticed in the industry, but I'm scared to let you read my works. My life is a mess, all cuz I woke up one day and decided to do something for myself, and I have no idea where to go now" her voice got higher and higher the more the girl spoke, her body starting to tremble with pent up anxiety.

"Y/N" his tone ensured she looked up at him, so the man held her face in his large hands, thumb caressing the soft skin "Breathe, love. Just breathe. In and out, yeah? I'm sorry you had a bad day, kitten. I really am, but I need you to do something for me now. Need you to try and stop thinking about it all, please"

"I can't! There's so much that I..."

"Listen. Not tonight. Tonight, we're giving you a break, alright? Here's what you're going to do: you're gonna go and have a hot, long shower while I find you something comfy and warm to wear"

"Can I have your hoodie, please? Smells like you"

"Anything you need, baby. Then, you're gonna get in bed and we'll have pizza under the covers while Netflix is on. I'll even let you pick tonight, huh?" that got a little smile out of her, finally.

"And you'll sing when I get sleepy?"

"All night long, if I have to" it was cute how she always got embarrassed about asking for that, like he would mind the fact that she loved his voice. Damn, he had made a whole playlist with her all time favorite songs so he could learn them, especially for times like these. "I know you don't feel good right now, and I'm sure you're about to remind me that you're not the type to ignore her problems, but baby... that's just it. It's not ignoring. Things will still be messy tomorrow, but you can deal with them then. Whatever you wanna do now, we can figure it out in the morning, after you have had some rest" lowering his head, Harry joined their lips in a sweet kiss, feeling some of the tension leave her body.

"Together?" there was hope in those big eyes, he noticed.

"Together. Always" kissing her hair, he put his girl back on the ground and watched the bathroom door close behind her before getting a move on.

He had a movie night to put together in the next 30 minutes, after all.

AN: i'll see you with an update soon...meanwhile, please vote and comment to tell me what you think if you've made it this far?  

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