the one with the unkept promise

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AN: I don't know what this is, he showed up to a show after filming all day and all my protective instincts kicked in. Guess this is the result?

She's still riding the thrill of adrenaline when they get home, Harry's body almost plastered to her back as he let her lead the way inside, steps getting heavier as exhaustion sets in.

"No, no, we're not sitting down, baby" she's smiling as he rubs his eyes, whining when YN pulls him closer to the stairs "up we go, time to get out of these clothes" the way to their room seems longer now, the man mumbling about how good she looks in the black long dress she's put on for the event, the kisses he lays over her skin a tad more sloppy than usual "just something I got before all hell broke loose, H, really. Couldn't go in my sweats, right?"

"Would still look better than half the people in there anyway" he bends down when the door closes, his lips finding hers with ease, the kiss warm and sweet, the cold from his ringed fingers on YN's cheek making her shiver; he's been so busy with filming its been a while since he's worn them.

"You're officially sleep drunk, aren't you, Styles?" one last pack to his lips, then the girl pulls back on her heels to start undressing him: the suit drops to the floor as her hands disentangle it from his shoulders, sparing a moment to knead some of the tension in there away before undoing the buttons on the white shirt underneath, which has him grinning to himself "We're sleeping in tomorrow, sir" its a firm declaration that she knows she has to make: if it were up to Harry, he'd use his morning off to work out, no matter how tired he is "Go on, get in the shower, bet you're dying to wash off all that product from your hair, huh?" they had fries and milkshakes for a late dinner on the way back, so he can colapse in bed as soon as he's done in the bathroom "H, lovie, no" the man uses what little strength he still has to try and walk them both backward, his pants hanging low on his hips (and it is a bit surprising when they don't trip)


"You go, I need to get you something comfy to sleep in" the way he almost purrs every time she touches him shouldn't be so endearing, but it feels good. Right. It makes sense, even if the rest of the world wouldn't get it. She knows they don't. "Also really should step out of these heels"

" 'missed yeh" its the first full day they have spent apart in weeks, even with filming, the heaviness in his eyes making the problem worse than it is, most likely "so pretty, sorry we didn't stay longer"

"It's alright, know how tired you're. I'm glad you wanted me there, it was fun"

"Always do. Want you in the shower as well" his words are slower and slurring together now, but she knows that spark in his stare

"I'll find you in a bit, yeah? Promise" a quick kiss to his jaw before YN sits on the bed to take off her delicate shoes, his eyes lingering before he walks into the bathroom.

She gets up once she can hear the shower running, going through his side of the closet for an old pair of sweats he likes to wear to bed before skimming out of the dress and slipping out to a guest room to shower: she knows Harry all too well, and the pout is a lot more manageable if she doesn't need to get naked around it.

When she comes back, he's absently rubbing a towel over his hair to dry it out as he sits on the edge of the mattress

"Hey, you" he looks younger like this, sleepy, relaxed, and with messy hair.

"Waited for yeh" his head lulls forward until it rests on her torso, his arms looping around her frame like he thinks she's gonna escape again.

"Sorry" a kiss to his hair before she pushes him off, well, tries to at least "time for bed, H, lay down, yeah? You're half asleep already, my love" it takes some coaxing, but she tucks him in, playing with his hair until his eyes close for good, his hand loosely wrapped around her left arm even when he goes out like a light, making sure she's still there like he needs to know that, even in his sleep. It's a nice thought, so the girl holds on to it when she slips into bed by his side

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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