the one where old habits are hard to break

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warnings: angsty smut ahead

It's worse than torture.

He knows she's not doing it on purpose too, that pulling back is how YN process things on her own mind. He knows he fucked up, badly this time, and that he ought to give her space...he's aware of all of it, he swears.

But he can't take it anymore. It's been days, and even if there's a lot Harry learned he can live with over the years, having the girl he's utterly in love with act as if he's invisible is not one of those things.

He's no stranger to missing her: they had to make their way through a world tour within the first year of dating, after all, and there were days where he almost said fuck it and hopped on a plane back home just to have her mumbling at him for getting up too damn early every time one of them slept over. This is different.

It's worse, cuz she's right there. It hurts, to be so close knowing that she won't give him more than an angered look before finding something to busy herself with so they don't have to talk about the elephant in the room.

If only his manager had kept his mouth shut...

Okay, blaming other people is a low blow, but Harry's a desperate man at this point.

A stupid one too, saying yes to another stunt after all the bullshit he was put through, after all the things he saw his friends having to endure. They didn't know better, back then, plus, it wasn't long before he discovered it was easier to go with it than try to fight the tide.

So, that's what he did, when a room full of people suggested creating some buzz before all the new things were set in motion.


He wants to believe things would be better had he gotten a chance to tell YN about it himself, but that's mostly wishful thinking: the surprise morphing into hurt in her eyes when she heard the words is the problem he has no idea how to fix, not whose mouth it came from.


"We need to talk" his voice wavers in the dark kitchen, YN's focus remaining on her computer screen.

"I'm working, Harry" her fingers haven't stopped hitting the keys, but she's tensing up more and more with each passing second. Because he's still there, standing closer than he has for the entire week, so she knows he's not going to take the hint and leave.

Not this time.

"Babe, please." the singer isn't even sure what he's begging for. Please, look at me. Please, let me explain you date the biggest idiot in town. Please, say you don't hate me.

For a second there it feels like she's gonna turn around, Harry's heart beating on his throat, but then YN climbs off the stool, shuts her laptop down and pushes it into her purse. She's leaving. Again.

"Wait." he's on her way now, hand on her shoulder, the small touch practically making his head spin. "I'm an idiot. A complete ass. I know that, love. I just..." there's so much he wants to say the words feel like they are stuck like he can't get them out fast enough. She's still not turning around, won't look at him even when he pulls her body towards his "I'm sorry" her face is stoic when the smaller one finally looks up. "I'm so sorry, and I know just saying the words won't change anything, but please, baby" the fact she doesn't recoil from his touch is a small victory, but the silence is still hanging in the air and Harry thinks he's about to suffocate.

"Talk to me" he begs "yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything."


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