the one where you come over for the first time

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"Chocolate, Styles? Are you trying to seduce me?" she tried her best to keep her voice level, but the girl still giggled when he raised an eyebrow at her, dimpled smirk in place:

"Is it working?" he asked, as the girl settled in his arms, her back to his chest, her body turned towards the flat screen in the wall.

"All I'm saying is that you might be onto something here, but your chances are not as good as they might be when Peter Kavinsky is not on the picture, baby" as if to prove her point, the girl pressed play on the remote, fully ready to say Lara Jean's opening lines with her

"Why did I agree to this again?"

"Because you're turning into an old man and I was kind enough to offer you the run down on the best romcoms of our time. Also, because you like me" that last part made her blush, busying herself with fixing her shirt.

"That I do, love" the man muttered "But if you trade me for a fictional guy, I'm not inviting you back again. A guy has to have his own back, you know?" that was the first time he had her over since they met, and Harry's heart was finally starting to start beating at a normal rate. He didn't know what was making him nervous, but her being there in cute yellow shorts and one of his old t-shirts, hair down, munching on her third candy bar just felt right.

Way better than coming home to an empty apartment after spending the day around her, he had to admit, even if he had to hear her gushing over that Noah guy.

"Jealous, are we?"

"Not at all" the words were whispered against her neck, his lips grazing the sensitive skin "he's not real, and even if he was, I'm better" the cocky edge to the words was only half pretend as the man watched her skin break out on goosebumps. That were definitely some perks on not having to be looking over his shoulder looking for damned paps.

"Are you?" she moved before he could find a smart come back, turning over and climbing on top of him, her knees on either side of his legs, a mysterious smile on her lips "Care to prove it?" as the man went in for a kiss with her tiny fingers tangling on his hair, he couldn't help but think that maybe it was time to stop going out so much.

Staying in was a lot long as she was there with him, anyway.

AN: vote! comment! request! all feedback is appreciated and will make me love you, xxx

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