love is here

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or the one where Harry surprises his girls

Her pleading eyes were glued to him as the man fixed his suit in front of the body length mirror on the corner of the room, her body posture giving off waves of tension as time ticked by.

"The car is outside, Harry" the words one of the guys from staff uttered as he pushed his head through the door seemed to make her angrier, her full lips going forward on a pout as the musician turned his body to her.

"I don't wanna leave. Why do I have to?" they had been having that talk all day long, so Harry was starting to wish he had married someone less stubborn; it would be way easier to keep them safe, he was sure.

"It's not safe for you here, love. Not tonight." with one hand caressing her neck and the other spamming through her belly, he stepped closer or tried: her being 8 months along with their first baby did really restrain cuddling. "I'll be with you at the hotel before you know it" there was only a couple of more shows left, and if everything went according to plan, bump would only arrive after the break started.

"But I wanna see you on stage, Har. Last time I got to, we were still dating, I miss it"

"You heard the doctors, kitten. Have to take things easy, and you have been running around with me all day. It's time to go, now" telling her no sucked, it probably always would, but when it came to her safety, Harry learned he couldn't be fooled by her sad eyes: he was her husband, soon to be a father and he had to look out for his family first.

"It's a concert, Harry. Not like I am going to war. Also, I was having a peek at the lines earlier and I saw at least three pregnant ladies..." she was adamant on making a point, but then they both felt the baby kicking hard and the girl couldn't hide her discomfort.

"None of them as far as you. Or alone. Don't you wanna relax for a bit, sweetheart? You can be with your feet up in a comfy bed in 20 minutes" rubbing her back, he kept his tone gentle.

"There's thousands of people here, you know"

"That's not what I meant. I just...what if you feel bad? What if something happens and the noise is too much for you to tell someone, call for help?" his heart raced with the thoughts, his breath hitching in his throat with the possibility of his girls being in any kind of danger, especially one that his job worsened.

"Look at me, H" her small hands enveloped his face then, eyes locking on his "Nothing bad is gonna happen. I'm safe, so is the baby. You don't have to worry, dimples."

"You're my family, Y/N. We're having a beautiful little girl together...I can't...I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I let anything hurt you."

"You won't. You never did, babe. I'll go back if you really want me to, yeah?" she was playing with the hair on the nape of his neck as she spoke, something she learned early on could always calm him down, make him feel better. "I love you. Ella loves you too" using his shoulders to lean into, the girl joined their lips in a sweet manner, feeling the man relax as the seconds went by, only pulling back when they heard a knock at the door. He had to go "Have a good one, my love"

Harry, however, didn't let go of her right away. He had an idea.


He couldn't help it. He had to steal glances to the side of the stage all night, even as the energy coming off the crowd made his head spin, a huge, dimpled smile painting his lips. He loved that, being on a stage and giving back to people who had been there for him time and time again, loved watching as they had a good time.

It was even better of a feeling that night: Y/N was supposed to be sitting on a chair just out of the public's sight, but she was dancing around instead, screaming lyrics she heard before anyone else did at the top of her lungs, sending him kisses on the air every now and again.

She was happy, and Harry felt his heart could burst from the love and pride she felt for him.

"So, I think I should tell you something" the noise on the arena grew as he turned around, switching guitars "We made some last-minute changes in the setlis tonight. I know, I know this is not how it goes, but tonight is not just any night. I'm having a great time with some great people...I also have a very special guest. Babe, I love you. I tell you every day, and I hope to get to do that for the rest of our lives...this song, it's just another reminder. This is Sweet Creature, everyone. This is for my girls!"

AN: comments and votes are extremely appreciated! Til next time, thanks for reading! 

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