temporary fix

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or the one with stress, a bit of jealous banter and some demanding

If there was something YN learned about college from the get-go, was the fact that the only thing worse than the long, tiring tests she never thought she had studied enough for had to be waiting for the results after she took them. And so, whenever anxiety seemed to replace the blood cursing through her veins, she cleaned.

Her friends thought it was a tad weird, but it was still the only thing that could take her mind off the need to keep hitting the refresh button on her laptop over and over until all her professors had her grades online.

Well, that and Harry, but it was an unfair fight when it came to the guy: he had her wrapped around his fingers, after all. He was also a busy man with an insane sound system on his loft (that he kept insisting she didn't have to tie up) but there would be nothing he could do if she was done with it before he came home, right?

She didn't mind it, really. It was fun to roam around his kitchen, Shawn's voice bouncing off the walls as her hips swayed to the beat, voice cracking as she sang the words back to him, pretending she was the one in the duet instead, letting herself get loose for the first time in weeks.

It wasn't a surprise she never heard her boyfriend coming in really, smile spreading on his lips the moment he heard her voice, stepping out of his shoes as quietly as he could so he'd get a chance to just watch her for a bit: YN was so shy around people it made Harry feel really lucky to see her like this, as off-key as the singing was.

"Suppose it's really time I put something new out, pet. Yehr really getting into this kid, huh?" Her mouth dropped when he showed himself right before the song came on again.

"Harry! How long have you been there?" YN busied herself with lowering the volume on her phone, buying her cheeks some time to stop burning.

"Don't try and change the subject, missy" he was trying not to laugh when he came close, kissing her forehead first before pulling her face up to give her lips a peck "Should I be worried?"

"You know how I get with the dorky charming type" she declared, serious tone taking over all of a sudden "you've seen me freak out about everything Shawn did over the better part of a year, plus now he thinks it's okay to be all sexy on a music video so like..." her voice trailed off in a suggestive way then, Harry's body tensing up a bit against his will for a moment or two before her laugh filled the room "Oh God, Harry, you should see your face right now"

"Not funny, love" the man mumbled, fingers combing his hair out of the way just to look busy "Not at all" she didn't mean it and they both knew it, but that didn't mean Harry could avoid the jealousy pooling on his gut. As everyone in the studio liked to remind him these days, he was really gone for this girl.

"It's the dancing, babe. I was not expecting a white guy to be able to move like that..." he pouted more when YN dramatically fanned herself "I'll stop! Sorry, sorry, sorry" Harry didn't lean down when she tried to kiss him, a small punishment for teasing, just watched her jump in place, using his arms as leverage "H" the nickname was more of a whining sound then, so he decided to be good, molding his lips to hers in a demanding way, feeling his body finally relax as he drowned in her taste. "I didn't mean it" YN whispered when they broke apart for air, tracing the chain that held his cross necklace in place "Was just trying to distract myself because I'm like 90% sure I failed my exams and being a trophy wife will be my last hope" she tried to laugh it off but he knew her well enough: she was doubting herself, yet again.

"I love you" his hands came up to her face so YN had to look at him when he spoke "I saw how hard you worked the whole term, baby. There's no way you failed. Even if something went wrong, it doesn't mean you're any less smart, yeah? If you have to try again, you'll try again. It's gonna be alright" sometimes she thought it was silly to bother him with her excessive worrying, but then Harry said shit like that in a way that made sure she knew he meant every word and she just...loved him a bit more.

"I love you. Even if you make me cry in the middle of your kitchen."

"Where you think yer going?" his arms didn't bulge when she tried to move back, blinking fast so the tears didn't fall "Doesn't matter"

"Harry I have to go see if..."

"You. Me. Bed. Now. After hearing you call someone else sexy, it's non-negotiable"

She was dropped over his shoulder in the blink of an eye, then. Her college nerves were about to live another day...or melt all together, more likely.

AN: a cute one this time around! you know the drill: if you liked it, comment and vote so i know i'm doing something right here. pretty please? 

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