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"And done!" You exclaimed, you hopped off the chair and took a glance at the alchemist next you "the Christmas tree is finally done."

"Hey albedo, we should invite sucrose and the others over for Christmas Eve, shouldn't we?" You asked him, he just walked towards his painting that was covered by a fabric.

"No.." he mumbled, you rose a brow usually he would agree.
"What? Why not? It'll be really fun" you tried convincing him.

"(Name) I want this Christmas to be just us, I wanna spend time with you alone this year.." he shyly looked down, you blushed at what he said, but you were on the same page.
Every year during Christmas you guys would invite sucrose and your others friends over, it's about time you two would be alone.

"That's fine, also. Why is your painting covered?" You peeked over his shoulder, it has been there for a few days and he told you not to touch it.

"I wanted to show you something." He started reaching for the fabric, giving you a small smile before putting, and what was under it made your face burn red.

It was a painting of you and albedo in dragonspine, you had your great sword on your back and was sitting on a big rock, while albedo was standing and looking at your direction smiling, there were so many details and it was drawn really well, it honestly almost made you burst in tears.

"I- I hope you like it.." he looked down thinking it might be disappointing.

You happily run towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck, he was surprised but he also wrapped his arms around you.

"It's amazing, I love it so much! Thank you albedo." You mumbled into his neck, a warm smile came on his lips and he wrapped his arms around you tighter.

"I'm glad you like it, my love."

~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~

Ahhh merry Christmas everyone! Sorry for not updating in so long, I've been literally farming for albedo and I got jean instead, I'm so upset why won't he come home 😭

All that aside

I hope you guys and all your families have a wonderful Christmas! Please don't forget to take care of yourselves and drink plenty of water!

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