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"You're late." Dottore said to the 6th harbinger, the tsaritsa has announced that there's gonna be a new harbinger.

Scaramouche wasn't the smallest bit interested into getting to know a new harbinger, hell. He would do anything to get out of there, but orders from the tsaritsa are orders.

The said archon walked into the big room, the harbingers all bowed down in respect to their archon and savior.

"Thank you all for coming here, as you already know. There will be a new harbinger joining us today, please treat them with respect." The tsaritsa's gentle voice announced.

The door to the hall opened, there came in the new harbinger.

They walked next to the tsaritsa with grace, pretty confident for a new harbinger..
They bowed to their archon and turned to the other harbingers.

"Hello everyone, I'm Anteros. It's an honor to be working with you now." They smiled as they played with their fingers.


"I want one of you to show them around and tell them about what they have to do, as for me I have some important matters to attend to." The archon put a hand on the newbies shoulder.

"Oh me me! I'll be more than glad to spar- I mean, teach them about what's it like to be a harbinger" a ginger cooed, he had gray clothes a red scarf and a mask on the right side of his head.

"No Childe, you're too dangerous." The tsaritsa rejected the 11th harbinger.
"Scaramouche, will you be willing to help them?"

"Of course, your majesty." Balladeer responded, he really didn't want to help this so called 'anteros', they seem weak and pathetic.

"Very well then, you're all free to go now, until next. My loyal friends." And with that the archon left the room.

Anteros walked up to scaramouche and held out their hand.
"It's a pleasure to have you helping me, mr.scaramouche."

Scaramouche cocked an eyebrow, he didn't even bother to shake their hand, he began walking with the newbie trailing behind him.

"Don't feel too good, I'm not teaching you or helping you with shit, go figure it out yourself or something." He grunted as he shot them a glare.

"Woah! No need to be so rude, who said I even want an ass like you to help me?" They shot back, crossing their arms on their chest.

"What did you say to me?" Scaramouche furrowed his brows, electro particles around him.

"Did you hear me or are you just deaf? Can't believe her majesty let some pesky little boy be a harbinger" they laughed, oh now they were making him really angry.

"Do you even know who you're dealing with?" Scaramouche grabbed them by the collar, a smirk was visible on their face.

They rested their hands on his and moved their face closer to his.
"Oh darling, I know exactly what I'm doing."

Scaramouche's eyes widen and he immediately let go of them, he backed away and looked away, not daring to look at them as he felt his face getting hot.

"You damn..filthy rat." He uttered under his breath.

They just chuckled and moved closer to him again.
"Awwe what's wrong? Are you getting shy?" They teased.

"leave me alone you sucker!" He backed away from the once again.

He had his hand covering his face so they couldn't see if he was really blushing.
"Aha let me see~" they attempted to grab his hand but he used his other hand to stop them.

"Hey, you're gonna make me fa-"


They blinked slowly trying to process what happened.


"Ouch..you bitch." Scaramouche grunted underneath them, a red hue on his face.

"oh..oops" they chuckled nervously, they didn't mean to do that..I think.

Scaramouche opened his eyes and immediately flushed red, They were on top of him and they were  basically lying between his legs.

They had such an innocent smile on their face as if nothing was happening.

They're kinda cute..

"Get off!" Scaramouche hissed as he roughly pushed them off of him, he put his hat back on and walked out of the room completely.

"Damn them.." his face was still red, he was just hoping he wouldn't have to see them again.


The teaching..fuck.

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