🥀XiaoXFem!reader🥀 part 2

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This is the part 2 of my xiao x fem reader oneshot! Make sure you've read the first part!

The adeptus laid down on the grass, recalling the fun, adoring memories he had with her.


"Xiao look! Arent these flowers beautiful?" She pointed to the rainbow roses, smiling as she grabbed his arm gently and walked towards the flowers.

"There's so many roses each with different colors~" she cooed, the (h/c) haired girl, kneeled down and started picking the flowers out, xiao watched her in awe, admiring her.

A small giggle escaped her lips causing xiao to come back to reality, the girl stood up and faced xiao, a flower crown that had different color roses in her hands.
She lifted her hands and gently placed the flower crown on his head.

She  turned around and kneeled down again,grabbing another flower crown familiar to the one she gave to xiao, she stood up and faced the boy, her strawberry lips curled into a gentle smile, she rose her hands and placed the flower crown on her own head.

She looked at the boy once again "now we are matching!".

Xiao's golden orbs slightly widen, his cheeks growing a tint of pink, he gently cupped her cheeks and kissed her soft lips.

Once he pulled away, he tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, her cute flushed face caused him to let out a chuckle, she pat her head and looked down at her lovingly.

"You're so cute when you're flustered" he softly smiled.

"Xiao..promise me something.." she suddenly looked down, the atmosphere getting a little tense.
He raised a brow "what is it?"

She looked up, locking her eyes with the boy, she gently grabbed his hands.
"Promise me, that we will be together forever, that nothing will get in our way." Her sentence almost came out as a whisper.

He let out a  sigh of relief, smiling once again.

"I promise you."

She smiled back, the atmosphere going back to normal.
"I'm glad.. since we are both adeptus' we barely get to actually hand out..we've been together for almost 100 years now, and I wanna spend more with you, I wanna be with you for my entire life,xiao." Her cheeks became a shade of red.


The adeptus felt his tears forming in his eyes at the memory, and he immediately blinked them away, no matter how much he missed her, he couldn't go back, he broke his promise from, she wouldn't let him in her life again.

But he didn't do it for nothing, it was for her safety, he had to do it to protect her.
Or else she would get hurt.


Xiao stood his stance, his spear in his hand with his guard up.
Infront of him standing, the 4th and 2nd fatui harbingers.

"That girl you're dating, she has a traumatic past..would be sad if she had to go through that again.." one of them spoke.

"What do you want?" Xiao knitted his brows, getting angrier by the second.

"That (y/n) girl really is something, even after thousands of years of suffering, she still stayed and continues to stay loyal to the geo archon and the adeptis.." the other one spoke.

"Her family died infront of her by some demon, her older brother that survived with her also died a few years later, everyone turned their backs on her. She was alone most of her lifetime and yet, instead of deciding to get revenge on everyone and destroy the archons, she becomes an adeptus." They continued.

Xiao's eyes widen, how could they know about her background?
He was sure he was the only one that knew, and he didn't tell anyone else.

"I'm gonna ask you one last time, what do you want?"

The harbingers chuckled and looked at xiao straight in the eyes.

"Wouldn't it be sad if (y/n) relived that nightmare? ah- even worse, to know who was the cause of her families death..fuhuhuhu~"

"Hmmm...if I can recall it..weren't you the reason that her family died? Xiao?"

Xiao felt his heart drop, the information these guys had..he couldn't let (y/n) know.

"It'll be easy to put her through so~ so~ much pain, hearing her cries and screams in agony, such music to our ears~" one of the harbingers chuckled menacingly.

"What do you want?! Name what you need, just stay away from her." Xiao's grip on his weapon tightened.

"Oho? You see.. you and her are like a power duo, always saving people, preventing the fatui from doing their hideous actions, and it's all her to be honest, but you being by her side makes it harder for the fatui and us..I think it'll be best if you..left her. I'm pretty sure you know what  will happen if you stay with her."


"I wish I could go back in time and resist them, it was probably better if she knew why her family died instead of me breaking and shattering her to pieces..

I really wish I could"


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