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"You can't do that! That's so bullshit!" You slammed your hands on your boss's desk, that man was really planning to give you your desired money another time,even though he has already delayed it more than 3 times.

"Come on (name), I have to take this new girl I met out and I-" he got cut off by your frustration.

"Oho? Isn't this like the 9th woman you've taken out this week? No one lasts with you do they?! You just fuck them and leave them in a hotel. Then go and find another prey! Seriously I'm so done with you!" You slammed your hands on his desk once again.

"I want my money, NOW." Glaring into his soul, your boss sweat dropped, his reputation was at risk.

"If you don't get me my money, this whole company will go down. Do you really think I work my ass off For hours and hours just so you could go and fuck all the women you want without a care in the world?-" before you could completely snap at your boss, the door opened.

Behind the door stood a fine gentleman, he had mesmerizing golden eyes, long dark brown hair that faded into a golden color. He had a really nice body- not that it mattered of course..and he was pretty tall.

"Ah! Mr.zhongli, glad you could make it" your boss exclaimed happily as he stood up from his seat, you however. Were still angry.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, mr agreste"(now before you say MIRACULOUS LADYBUG! Yes I did take the name from that cuz I'm brain dead)
"I hope the fee is ready." This so called "zhongli" man had a really soothing voice, seriously you could fall asleep to him reading stories for you.

"Oh- oh yes- about that um..I'm afraid to say that it's not ready yet.." your boss's voice died down, you almost laughed at how pathetic he looked.

"Is that so? This isn't the first time this happened." Zhongli's voice suddenly got dark, he seemed angry that his "fee" wasn't ready.

You really weren't surprised, your boss was such a pain in the ass, he wasn't even fit to own a company, you cursed yourself for still working here.

"I don't want to repeat myself, if you don't get it ready by tomorrow I'm gonna have to solve the matter on my own. If it comes to that things won't be so pretty." The golden eyed man spoke, his arms crossed on his chest.

"I also want my money, mr. agreste." You huffed, "I'm seriously tired of this, whole money not being ready excuses."

"Oh?" Mr.zhongli looked over to your direction "it seems that I'm not the only being troubled here." Zhongli could only sigh at the situation.

"I-I can explain!" Your boss panicked, he was like a child who was caught stealing a candy.

"if I may ask, what's your name?" Zhongli politely asked you, a soft smile on his face, he put his hand infront of you asking for a handshake.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice meeting you mr.Zhongli."
You shook his hand.

"Nice meeting you too ms.(y/n). I was wondering if you'd like to work in my company as my assistant?" He spoke,but the sudden offer surprised you.

"You seem like an independent woman, someone others can rely on and trust, and people like you deserve their desires, so tell me. What do you say you work as my assistant?"

That's hot

"Well since SOMEONE can't actually pay his workers, I shall accept your offer." You smiled sweetly, at zhongli.

"Wait hold on! Mr.zhongli you can't just take my best worker!" Your boss yelled out of frustration, you were so close to laughing.

"Too late." You grabbed your bag and walked to the door, glaring at your boss from the corner of your eye.
"I still want that money, mr.agreste. And it better be ready this time, or else."

Zhongli stayed in the room, he walked to your ex boss's desk and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"If you don't stay faithful to the contract you signed, you shall suffer the wrath of the rock." And with that, he walked out of the room.

When the door opened you slightly smiled upon seeing the man, "how about we go to my company today so I can show you some guides? You can start working officially tomorrow."
The gold eyed man gently smiled at you.

"That would be great."

He gestured for you to follow him, after you two exited the building, you were both going into his car when the man suddenly remembered something.

"Ah right, ms.(y/n) I forgot to tell you this earlier, but I'm gonna need you to sign a really important contract."

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