Just you and her | Thoma pt2

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it has been a few weeks since the incident with thoma, you haven't talked with him since.

You'd run into him occasionally a few times a day, but you'd ignore him and continue on with your day, no matter how hard he tried to talk with you, you paid him no mind.

it was just another regular day, you had scheduled a meeting with kamisato ayato To discuss some things.

unfortunately for you, thoma was supposed to be picking you up.

You'd been waiting for him for quite a while, eventually you got impatient and decided to visit the tea house (a/n yk the place with the cute little thoma dog) thinking that he had forgotten to come pick you up.

You arrived at the tea house, you went inside and saw a young girl with blonde hair and strange attire, She noticed you and a little creature popped up next to her.

"Hello~ we're looking for our friend! His name is thoma" the little creature spoke.

"I also happen to be looking for him, is he not here? " you inquired.

"we don't knowww" the creature answered.

Suddenly, the door behind you opened. You turned around and Saw ayaka, she was out of breath and seemed to be in a panic.

"Ayaka? What's wrong?" the creature and the young lady rushed to her side.

"Thoma, is he not here?" ayaka asked, her voice shaking.

"No he isn't, we came here to see him but.."

Ayaka froze for a moment, her eyes widened with fear.

Ayaka quickly explained the situation, thoma has been caught and his vision is about to get stolen from him, The traveler immediately left to rescue him. You didn't know what to do, should you go after the traveler to help thoma? Should you just stay here and wait?

Your feet moved before you could think and you ran out the door, you heard ayaka's voice calling for you. You ignored it and kept running, not even knowing if this is what you really wanted to do.

you finally caught up with the traveler, when you looked over to the statue you could see thoma tied up with two guards side by him, the raider shogun herself standing on her statue.

The raider shogun extended her hands towards Thomas's direction, suddenly. His vision flew towards her. The traveler immediately used her electro powers and teleported right to the vision and grabbed it before it reached the shogun.

the shogun said nothing, an angry look was on her face, the two guards next to thoma charged at the traveler and she swiftly turned around and slashed them with her electro.

But as soon as her back was turned, the raiden shogun took her chance.

the shogun charged at the traveler, lumine turned around quickly and tried to counter the shogun's attack.

As their brute strength collided, the ground began to shake, the crowd that was watching began panicking and running away from the scene.

you could see the traveler struggling against the shogun, You looked over to thoma and saw him cutting down the rope that kept him bounded with one of the guard's spears.

"Thoma run!" You yelled out, his eyes met with yours and you could see his smile, that stupid smile.

He grabbed one of the spears and threw it at the shogun, She of course noticed it. She kicked the traveler out of her way and swiftly dodged the spear, now she was more than angry.

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