💦jeanXFem!reader💦 smut👀

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‼️ STUFF NOT FOR SO YOUNG PEOPLE AHEAD (BARBATOS forgive me for what I've done)
This was requested!

"Yoo-hoo! Jun~" You cooed as you bust the door open to her office.

"A-ah! Oh..(n/n)..please don't scare me like that." She sighed.

"Sorry sorry~" you walked over to her and sat on her desk.

"Watchu been up to?"
"I've been looking into the fatui situation, they've really been on my ass for a while.." She looked at you.

"Aww, those bastards,you really deserve a break..maybe even a treat.." you got off the desk and walked over to the door.

"You're leaving already?" Jean pouted.

"My! No I'm not.." you locked the door and walked over to her again.

"why did- ah!" she was cut off when you placed your lips on hers.
"You're so cute jean, how about  a small break.." you stared into her eyes.

You kissed her again, and she kissed back this time.
You started kissing her jaw, then her collarbone, then you went further down.

"Ah- (y-y/n)! W-we can't In here!" She stuttered out.
"(Y/n)! We CAN in here!" You repeated after her.

you lifted her shirt and started kissing her tummy, she slapped her hand over her mouth to prevent noises coming out from her.

You lifted her shirt up even more exposing her bra.
"(Y/n).. the guards outside are gonna hear- mmmph!"

"Then I guess you better be quite, huh?" You smirked.

"You unclipped her bra and immediately started kissing her chest.
You could hear her faint moans, and it made you even more fired.

You started sucking on her boob, your hand massaging her other one.
She started moaning more and more causing her to cover her mouth again.

You went up to her neck and started kissing and sucking on it roughly, jean's hand trailed to your hips and pulled you closer to her,you smirked between your kisses.

You then went to her jaw again, then to her lips, you licked her lips asking for an entrance and she allowed it.

You passionately made out with her, her hands were on your hips while your arms were wrapped around her waist.

After 15 seconds of making out, you both broke from the kiss.
You rested your forehead on hers.

You quickly kissed her on her nose, you clipped her bra on her again and fixed her shirt.

"Jean?" You tilted your head, her face was red and she looked embarrassed.

You giggled before leaning over the desk.

"Why so embarrassed? It's not our first time ya know, we've done even more intense-"
"(Y/n)! Quite!" She covered your mouth with her hand, face even more red.

"I've got to finish my work." She sighed.
"Fufufu~ I would love to help you~" you purred.

"No." She deadpanned.

"Wah! So mean! Jun!" You pouted.

She slightly chuckled and looked out you straight in the eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Jean."


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