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The young man swung his  great sword, slaughtering the last hilichurl standing.

(Y/N) let his great sword float on his back, he looked over at the cavalry captain, who was staring at the puzzle pieces laying on the ground.

(Y/N) face slightly warmed up, he has always been into the cavalry captain, how could he not be?
Kaeya was so perfect, he had a great personality and was handsome with it, but the fear of kaeya not being into guys always made (Y/N) go back from confessing to him.

But today since they were alone for a mission, in a domain together, maybe he could confess.

"Captain kaeya?" The young man called out, the crying vision holder turned to face him and smiled, motioning to the knight to come next to him.

(Y/N) obeyed and walked towards him, kaeya pointed to the roof where there was a giant hole.
"Maybe this machine will help us glide up there , would you mind using your vision to activate the machine?" (Y/N) nodded, he touched the anemo machine and his powers turned the machine on.

In the next moment the cavalry captain snaked his arm around the young man's waist, he jumped and unleashed his glider, flying through the wind activated by the anemo machine.

Meanwhile (Y/N)'s face was burning hot, kaeya's move really did something on him, but he didn't want the cavalry captain to let him go, he wanted him to hold him forever.

Both of their feet landed on the ground, the big room had no abyss monsters in it, but in the middle of the room sat a luxurious Chest, which (Y/N) assumed had the key they were looking for.

Kaeya walked towards the chest and opened it, and inside of it was laying a golden key radiating strong elemental energy, he grabbed it and put it in a magical orb that he received from Lisa.

"Alright we are done here, shall we get back?" The cavalry captain asked.

"There's something I want to tell you before we go back."

This is the perfect chance (Y/N) don't mess this up, you've been waiting for this for too long.

"Oh? And what would that be?" Kaeya cooed in his casual, flirty tone.

The young man took a deep sigh and looked at kaeya straight in the eye.
"I have feelings for you.."

Kaeya's eye widened, he was quite surprised at what the knight who he has been working with say, but his surprised expression soon turned into a smug smirk.

Kaeya didn't say anything and just walked towards the young man.

"Sir kaeya?" The (h/c) haired boy raised a brow.

Kaeya put one of his hands on the young man's hip, his other hand going to the back of  his head.

Kaeya pulled the young man in for a deep kiss,
(Y/N)'s eyes widened, was he dreaming? Was he actually kissing the guy he has feelings for.

Kaeya pulled away for a split second, and whispered into the man's ear.

"I'm glad you confessed first."

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