☔️kayeaxfem!reader☔️ Kinda fluff?

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The blue eyed knight couldn't help but be jealous at the sight of the two friends.
Even though the (h/c) haired girl was his, he still felt a tint of jealousy when she talked to other guys.

Especially when they made her smile or laugh, Or talked to her in a flirty voice.
However, she was too innocent to notice if they were actually flirting with her.

Kayea fixed his posture, he came out of his hiding spot where he was watching the black haired boy and the (h/c) haired girl.

the girl immediately noticed him and her eyes lit up, she felt her heart race faster, she was like that whenever she saw him, despite being with him for 2 years.

"Seems like you guys are having a nice conversation" kaeya smiled.
"Darling! You're here!" She immediately ran into kaeya's arms.
"Hey m'lady, did you miss me?" Kaeya smirked.
"Oh you, of course I missed you"

"Also, who's this knight that you're talking to."
"Oh, this is eren! I was talking to him about angel's share, he seemed interested in it after all." She smiled.
"Nice to meet you, sir kaeya." Eren held out his hand for hand shake.
"Likewise." Kaeya shook his hand.
"Oh yeah! Miss (y/n), I heard that there was gonna be a party at the ball(let's just pretend there's a big party and stuff like the one in the WEBTOON) a-and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me." Eren tried to hide his blush by looking the other way.

Kaeya was getting mad, didn't he see that him and (y/n) were a thing?
"Oh, I'm-" she was gonna speak until she got cut off.

"Sorry fella, but she's coming with me, if you haven't noticed. Me and her are dating." Kaeya wrapped and arm around her waist and pulled her close to him.

"Oh y-yeah, I'm sorry haha. Oh I remembered something important, I should get going b-bye!" With that excuse eren ran off.

"You know I was gonna tell him off myself right?" She looked up at him.
"Yeah I know, but I felt like it." He looked down at her.

She giggled and kissed him on the cheek.
"Should we get going and get ready for the party tonight?"
"Yeah, let's go baby." He grabbed her hand.

*time skip to nighttime a.k.a the 💫 PARTAAAAAAY 💫

"Hmm..would this do?" You stared at yourself in the mirror, you wore a blue and white long dress with a few other colors.

"Trust me (y/n)! You look gorgeous!" Amber cooed.
"Thanks amber, but what if Kaeya doesn't like it.." you frowned.
"Oh come on! That man loves everything about you, and you looked so gorgeous right now!" She protested.

"Yeah I guess..thank you amber." You gave her a soft smile.
"No problem now come on! You're ready!"
You nodded and you both headed out of the changing room.
Your dress flew behind you, you did your (h/c) hair as your favorite hairstyle ( if you have short hair then imagine it in a way that you like your hair most of the time :D)"

Your dress flew behind you, you did your (h/c) hair as your favorite hairstyle ( if you have short hair then imagine it in a way that you like your hair most of the time :D)"

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(Also the dress you'll be wearing."

Back to the story tanananam!!

You've finally arrived at the ball, there were so many people.
Your eyes automatically started looking for Kaeya, but you couldn't see him.
You knew he was gonna be here somewhere.

You started walking around the hall, to look for Kaeya.
He said he would be here on time..
Maybe something came up, well there is a possibility since he IS a knight after all.

"Hello miss." A guy in a suit came up to you.
"Oh hello, can I help you?" You asked politely.
"Would you join me for this dance?" He offered you his hand.

"Actually I'm-" you were gonna speak until you got cut off for the SECOND TIME today.
"Hello m'lady, would you like to share this dance with me?" another man came up.

"Hey man fuck off! I asked her first." The first guy protested.
"It's doesn't seem like she chose you, pretty sure she wouldn't right after that attitude!"
"You son of a.."

You got frustrated at the sight of the two men fighting over you, oh how awkward it was gonna be when you'll tell you're waiting for someone..

What you didn't know was that, a certain blue haired male was watching from afar, his blood was boiling at the sight.
He hated to admit it, but he really was jealous.

"She's gonna dance with me!"
"I do not think so"

While the two men were fighting, you caught the chance to run.
You slowly started walking towards the balcony, unnoticed by the two men.

You sighed and rested your arms on the edge of the balcony.
"Where is he?" You mumbled to yourself,a frown on your face.

You looked at the starry sky, a faint smile made it's way on your face, but before you could admire it more you felt someone's warm hands cover your eyes.

"Guess who~" a certain blue haired knight purred.

You obviously knew who it was, but you decided to mess around a little.
"Hmm..I wonder, is it diluc?" You joked.

He pouted immediately "Oi!"
You giggled at how cute he was.

"I'm kidding,hmmm..is it my love~?" You cooed.
His expression softened, he took his hands off your eye, one hand made its way to your waist and the other one to your left hand,he spun you around to face him.

the moment you two made eye contact, you both flushed red.
Even after being with him for more than 2 years, he still made your heart race really fast.

Oh how you got lost in those dreamy blue eyes, you could stare into them forever.
He would always protect you, would always cheer you up when you were sad,    he    always made you smile,he really was the one for you.
You've fallen for him hard.
Same goes for him.

He could stare at your beautiful face for hours, he loved how kind hearted you were, every morning when he woke up before you he would play with your stunning (h/c) hair, your whole personality was enough to make a man fall for you.
He has fallen for you hard.

you saw leaning in closer for a kiss, and so you tiptoed to actually reach his face.
And your lips collapsed on his.

His kiss was full of passion, his right hand was caressing your cheek and his left hand was resting on your waist.

You both broke from the kiss and looked at each other with nothing but love.
He leaned in once more and landed a kiss on your forehead.

"Well my precious princess, shall we go and enjoy the party?" He kiss your hand.
You giggled at the nickname and gave him a bright smile.

"Let's go, darling."

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