Sweet boi | gorou

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Archon quest of inazuma part 2 spoilers weeeeeweeeee


Being part of the resistance was not something that you had dreamed of, but it wasn't something you hated either.
you were no vision bearer, hence why you had mastered every weapon, to be of use to the group and help them, help him.
you couldn't deny that you had feeling for gorou, miss kokomi's most reliable friend.
but you kept them to yourself, afraid that he might not feel the same way.

in a way, you kept thinking that gorou was in love with Kokomi, even if he actually was. Could you really blame him?

She was strong - astounding - independent and extremely beautiful, she gave hope to so many people, including you.

You made your way through the camp searching for gorou to train with him, you had just finished giving advice and helping the other soldiers.

your eyes darted around the camp, not seeing him anywhere- then one of the soldiers called out for you.

"Miss. (Y/N)! General gorou is calling for you. "
He said.

"I was just about to go meet up with him, where is he?"

"He's outside of the entrance, lady kokomi has also just arrived."


You thanked the soldier and headed towards the entrance of the camp, you saw Kokomi speaking to gorou, he had his Cheery and bubbly personality as usual when she was around.

you waited Until their conversation was over, soon after the two bid each other goodbye and kokomi left to attend other matters.

you walked up to gorou and greeted him.
"Hello, did you call me for the training?"

"Yeah! I have some new tricks I want to show you, do you have your bow on you?" Gorou asked, you nodded and followed him to the training area.

on the way, he kept talking about Kokomi. How  he admired her and wished to be just like her.

During the training you couldn't focus, missing some of the shots. This alerted gorou.

"Are you okay? Your shots are usually on fleek!" gorou claimed.

"I'm fine! Just testing something out with my bow.." you smiled at him.

Focus (y/n)!

You shot one last arrow and lowered your bow, gorou noticed and looked at you.

"Do you..have feelings for her Excellency?"

Gorou seemed shocked at your question, he let out a few soft chuckles.

"No not at all! I mean I admire her because of all the amazing things she does but I don't have any romantic feelings for her!"

his statement surprised you, You were sure he had a crush on her but He didn't?, you felt kind of relieved.


You lowered your head, taking in a deep breath before talking.

"So, um. I like you.. A lot. As more than a friend."

Good job you idiot you messed up!

You looked up at him expecting him to be disgusted or something.

Gorou's eyes widened and his cheeks dusted with pink.

"When teppei said you liked somebody I was hoping it was me, and IT IS!" his smile was so big and his eyes as shiny as the stars.

You could even see his tail wagging.

"Wait.. So does that mean you- like me too?" you felt your face heating up as your heart started beating faster.

he took Your hands in his and kissed them.

"It means that I love you."



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