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The 11th of the harbingers stood in between La signora and zhongli in the northland bank, he couldn't believe that he was used for their plan.

"Well then morax, the gnosis please." La signora reminded zhongli, zhongli slightly sighed before he took out the geo gnosis.

"As promised." zhongli reached out his hand to give the 8th fatui harbinger the gnosis.

"H-hey! What is that?!" The fatui standing near the counter yelled out, the 3 turned their head to the direction of where the fatui was pointing.

In just that split second, the gnosis from zhongli's hand was snatched.

the (h/c) haired girl landed on the floor safely with gnosis in her tight grip, she looked at 2 harbingers and the geo archon.

the (h/c) haired girl landed on the floor safely with gnosis in her tight grip, she looked at 2 harbingers and the geo archon

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"Well~ if it isn't the geo archon, who's supposed to be dead

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"Well~ if it isn't the geo archon, who's supposed to be dead." She giggled at their face expression.

"Grab the gnosis from her, hurry!" Signora ordered, fatui agents rushing in the scenery with their weapons aimed at the young lady.

"Hand over the gnosis, right now!" A skirmished ordered.

"Seriously? What a hassle.." the (h/c) haired girl stated with boredom, she reached into the air and summoned a weird weapon.

" the (h/c) haired girl stated with boredom, she reached into the air and summoned a weird weapon

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"I'll take care of this." Just as Childe was about to attack the young lady, La signora stopped him.

"Relax Childe, I've already taken the anemo archon's gnosis, taking the geo gnosis from a little girl who doesn't even seem like she  possess a vision will be a piece of cake." La signora earned a wicked laugh From the girl.

"Oh~ about the anemo archon's gnosis.."

Her (e/c) pupils shone from inside the rabbit mask as she took out the gnosis that La signora stole from barbatos.

"How..I gave it to her majesty, the tsaritsa. You didn't hurt her, did you? How did you take it?" La signora furiously spoke, she was sure that she made sure no one was around except the traveler when she took the gnosis from Barbatos.

And on top of that, she gave the gnosis to the tsaritsa, so how did this girl get her hands on it? Did she fight the tsaritsa?

"That's for you to find out, maybe the tsaritsa will tell you, that is if she even survived the impact."  The young lady cackled once more, soon one of them would snap and attack her.

"I'll take care of this." Childe spoke in a serious tone, he activated his vision and created his melee weapons, he took his stance, ready to strike the thief.

"Oh? You really plan on fighting me?" The (h/c) mocked, she snapped her fingers and the two gnosis' disappeared into thin air.

"My apologies, dear tartaglia. But my time is toooo~ precious to be wasted on the likes of you~" she cooed, slowly raising her weapon before striking it into the ground with an inhuman amount of force.

the ground shook violently and the bank was filled with smoke and dust, (name) took this as a chance to run, but she couldn't leave yet without a little bit of fun could she?

She slightly moved the lense on her bunny mask, allowing her to see in the smoke and dust.

She caught a glimpse of ginger hair, smirking.
She dashed towards the boy and kicked him with force towards the doors of the northland bank.

The harbinger grunted from the pain of being kicked and sent flying, but it wasn't something he couldn't handle, he quickly got up and looked at the edge of the small bridge connecting the 2 buildings.

He saw the bunny mask girl standing on the edge empty handed.

"Well? Are you not gonna try and catch me? Don't you want the gnosis" she asked him, in a mocking tone.

The young harbinger didn't waste a second and he jumped her, but his water blades went through her and she turned to dust.

His eyes widened at the sight, where were the gnosis', perhaps it was an illusion?

He then snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the girl laughing at him, looking towards the sound of laughter and there he saw her standing on the roof of the northland bank.

"I can't believe you actually thought you could get me that easily! Come on now, you're a harbinger." And with that she jumped high in the air, jumping from building to building tartaglia chasing after her, attempting to shoot her with his arrows in the air but failing in the process.

Damn..she's fast

He saw the girl land on the ground, looking around to see if Childe was still around, with a mischievous grin on childe's face, childe put his bow away and slowly walked on the roof of the house he was on while chasing the girl.

The bunny masked girl walked away slowly, trying to not look as suspicious as possible, though she would need to run soon because of the fatui.

"hey, girlie." A voice called out to her, she immediately looked up to the voice and saw the 11th harbinger diving down towards her from the sky.

She didn't have enough time to react as he grabbed both of her hands and pinned her down.

"Okay, you caught me~" she confessed, giggling slightly, her giggles cut off when she heard the fatui agents running through the streets of liyue harbor.

She once again turned into dust, catching the harbinger off guard, another illusion?

she reappeared infront of him and walked away .

She stopped for a second in her tracks and turned around to meet the ginger boy's eyes.
She reached to her pocket and took out a card then threw it infront of the harbinger.

"If you ever need a thief, I'm your woman." She blew a kiss in his direction, then she completely disappeared into thin air.

Childe grabbed the card and got up, his dead eyes looking through the card.

"She's From Fontaine..." He mumbled to himself and put the card away.

"This time I won't let you get away."

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