Love me back. | dainsleif

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I should've never agreed to help him.

The (h/c) haired worrier put away their weapon, eyes staring down at the abyss mage whom they just defeated. Trying to get information out of it was useless, as the abyss mage's mouth were sealed, as ordered by it's princess.

Their (e/c) orbs adverted to the twilight sword of the nation called khaenri'ah, who was focused on some spell that was casted by the abyss mages they just defeated, (y/n) couldn't help but blush at the sight of him. They've had feelings for him for so long, but they never got the chance to tell him.

And they don't think they'll ever, get to tell him.

They walked besides the man and looked at the spell, carefully eyeing it.
"Anything useful?" They questioned dainsleif, the man sighed in response and turned his heel to another direction and walked away.
(Y/n) trailed behind him.

"Nothing new, seems like the abyss order is keeping a low head." Dainsleif answered their question, staying cautious of the area.

(Y/n) hummed a song that they and dainsleif used to sing as kids, but the man never remembered, he won't remember.
His memory has been long gone.

They have hopelessly fallen for dainsleif, they've been traveling with him for 500 years.
Of course they would fall for him.

But he never fell for them.

That  immortality curse was placed on the both of them, those two were important protectors of khaenri'ah.

But after the nation got destroyed, they were both left hopeless. They had nowhere to go, those two had no one to protect anymore, no one to fight for, no one to live for.

Later on, they agreed to avenge khaenri'ah and bring justice to the deceased people.
But dainsleif made something else his top priority.

And (y/n) hopelessly agreed on it.

Save lumine.
That's all he cared about, he didn't even bother to avenge the nation anymore. All he could think about was lumine.

Was a traveler from another world really more important to him than (y/n)?? Someone who was with him for his entire life? Did he really replace them with a girl that he barely even know?

"We should camp somewhere for now, we will continue tomorrow." Dainsleif suggested, the two started preparing their small camp.
Dainsleif took care of the fire while (y/n) put up the tent.

They took their coat off and sat down on their sleeping mattress, their gaze was locked on dainsleif whom was staring at the fire he lit up.

"Are you not going to rest?" They questioned the man.
"I'll stay up a little more, you should go to sleep now."

Their face saddened, they clenched their clothes slightly and looked at the sky, then back at dainsleif.
"You're thinking about her, aren't you?"

"..I can't get her off my mind, I need her (y/n). I have to save her no matter what." Dainsleif uttered, not bothering to look at his travel partner.

(Y/n) felt tears forming in the corner of their eyes, they lied down on the mattress and closed their eyes and mumbled.

"I know, but it still hurts."

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