Don't forget me ||childe

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tw mentions of death
This isn't fluff 🚶‍♀️

Childe, the renowned 11th of the fatui harbingers had asked you on a date, although you accepted his invitation, You couldn't help but feel on guard whenever you were with him.

Every time that you had thought you'd finally gotten to know him, another piece of the puzzle seemed to go missing, under so many aliases and secrets you found it difficult to trust him, did he knows this? Of course he did, after all there's nothing that you can keep hidden from him.

You didn't know why he has taken an interest in you, you were nothing but a mere human that unfortunately wielded a pyro vision.

The visions truly were curses.

You kept wondering if it really was the smartest idea to go on this so called 'date' with him, even the word 'dangerous' was an understatement when it came to describing Childe.

It's a late night, the stars already filled the sky and you had already arrived at your desired destination, it didn't take long before Childe also showed up.

"Hey comrade!" His voice called out to you, you turned around and waved to him with a small smile on your face, the harbinger walked up to you. He had a wrapped box in his hand with a blue bow on the top.

"It's for you." The man spoke, he gently placed the box in your hands. you removed the bow and opened the box carefully, inside you found a medium sized whale plushy that had childe's fatui mask on its head,some flowers nicely set inside and next to the small whale there was a letter.

You reached for the letter but Childe stopped you.
"Read it later, let's look at the stars."

you felt it, something was off.

He intertwined your hands and sat down, it was quite for a few minutes, only sounds were from the tree' branches being washed over by the wind and Childe humming that same melody.

"You're gonna kill me, aren't you?" You spoke up first, The slight fear evident in your voice.

Childe's eyes slightly widened, losing his composure for only mere seconds.
"Yeah..I didn't want it to end up like this."

"I loved you, you know?"

"What's up with the past tense?"

"You're gonna kill me."

"That's..a fair point."

"Childe.. can we dance one last time?"

"Isn't that a bit too cruel, especially for you?"

"Perhaps it might be to you,but I want to get that same feeling just one more time before I'm gone."

The two of you got up, hands in hand.
"I'm..really sorry, (name)"

"I know you are.."


His hand around your waist the other intertwined with yours, the two of you danced for the last time in forever as he softly hummed that melody in your ears again.

the blissful breeze brushed against your skin, you rest your head on his chest and smiled one last time.

"I loved you too, I really did."
His words echoed through your mind in those last moments, he wanted you to know that before the dance ends.

Before the light of your pyro vision no longer shined.

Did you know I have a diluc book??
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