Just you and her| thoma

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It's another rainy day in inazuma, the citizens have all entered their homes and left the streets of the city empty.

You pulled out your umbrella and opened it above your head, the sound of the rain and thunder making your shoulders tense by the second.

He was supposed to meet me here..

You walked to the empty bridge and glanced at the mountains and rivers, your  grip tightened the umbrella.

I guess he's not showing up again.

As you were about to turn back home, you heard footsteps approaching, you turned your head towards the sound and saw Thoma running to you.

When he reached you he placed his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath, you stared at him with a blank expression.

he finally fixed his posture and looked at you, he had a smile on his face. He casually stood in the rain.

"What was it this time?" you raised a brow.

"I'm sorry! I had to- uhh.. Miss kamisato-" he blabbered, you sighed in disappointed and broke eye contact.

"Miss kamisato wanted to spend some time together and you know- I couldn't say no!"
He chuckled awkwardly and placed a hand on his neck.

"You're always with her, stuck to her like glue. But you barely even hang out with me. "
You uttered.

You understood that he was her bodyguard and had to be with her at all times, but even at times where he was free and could do whatever, he would still be with her. Giving her all his time, almost as if you weren't there.
You hated that. You had feelings for Thoma and he had told you he felt the same about you,  then why is it that he's never around you?

Was it something you did? Where did you mess up?

"I will spend more time with you-"

"You don't have to lie to me too, just tell me one simple truth."  you cut him off, you dragged your gaze up to him and locked eyes with him.

"Do you still have feelings for her?"


Your question surprised him, He frowned and his arms dropped to his sides, guilt was clear in his eyes.

He broke eye contact and stared at the ground, the rain continued to fall as he stood there motionless, he didn't know what to say.

"I.." he muttered, he clenched his fists and bit his lip, trying to find any words to say to you.

Silence again.

You sighed again, you grabbed his hand and handed him your umbrella.

"It's alright, your silence says enough."
You retracted a few steps and turned away from him.

"You shouldn't stay in the rain for too long, if you get sick ayaka will worry about you, you don't want that, do you?" You said, not looking back.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"It doesn't matter anymore, does it?"

"Look I know you're mad but listen to me." he stepped towards you.

"I'm not mad, not at all. Just disappointed."

"Please listen to me (y/n)!"

"I've heard enough."

You began walking away, The pouring rain had already soaked you.

"It was nice while it lasted, farewell Thoma."

You ignored his desperate calls for you and walked off, not sparing him a single glance, you walked far enough from the bridge and once you reached a cover from the rain you broke down.

You hugged your knees On the floor and sobbed silently, it hurt that thoma did that to you, your feelings for him were genuine love.
Perhaps your brother wasn't lying when he said no one would love you or want you.

At least no one was there to hear your cries and whimpers.


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