🖤 | childe

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ok so this is a part two of my childeXfem!reader

I was just sitting and got an idea for part 2 so uhh yeah 🌛


Childe walked through the streets of the city, he has arrived but a few days ago in Fontaine, he had been assigned to find that girl and kill her, and destroying the evidence.

He started feeling lost as he had no idea where to exactly go, he pulled the card that she left him out of his pocket and looked at it.

Where the hell even is this place? He thought, he had been looking for almost half an hour But there was no trace of the place written on the card.

he groaned and threw the card away, that's when he noticed a glimpse of glitter in the direction where he threw the card, he walled towards it and when he touched the glitter, a door appeared out of nowhere, he backed away from it just in case and saw as a big building began forming.

When it finished, the door opened before childe, it was dark inside so he couldn't see much. Just a hallway filled with darkness.

Now what kind of goddamn magic is this.. He thought, he Cautiouslly stepped inside and as soon as he did the door behind him disappeared, he felt a chill going down his spine. The Hallway lit up with candles, he saw doors On each sides and one at the end of the hallway.

He didn't know who he was these people were, who he was messing with, an anxious feeling building up inside him, but it was very thrilling at the same time.

He began walking towards the door at the end of the hallway, something was carved into it.

Her majesty allows no entry, only those that behold her Devine gaze shall enter, as she is the queen of the palace.

It read, childe scoffed and reached for the door handle.

"Not even gonna knock?!" a voice of a young boy rang out, childe grabbed his weapon and backed away from the door, eyes scanning the place searching for the source of the voice.

"Where ya lookin dumbass? Im not even in the same room as you! Now get in, how long do you plan on keeping her waiting?!" the boy yelled "and put that damn weapon away! You mad man!"

Childe scoffed, he put his weapon away and got closer to the door once again.

"That's not how you open it! click the button!" the boy said.

Childe Looked around on the door until he found a very small button, he pressed it but nothing happened.

"Not that one stupid! The other one!"

"Not  that one either!"

"Do you have a pea brain? I'm not talking about that one!"

"What button goddamnit!" childe groaned in annoyance and kicked the door.

"Naw I'm just fucking with ya! There ain't no buttons, just push the template with the text on it!" childe could hear the boy's laughter from the other side.

He pushed the template and the door finally opened, he stepped inside and the door closed behind him harshly, Inside was a big place, almost like a castle, it was awfully quite and no signs of anyone.

he looked around for the boy but didn't see him, what on earth is this place?

he saw some stairs that led to the second floor, He began going up and saw more doors and hallways.

There was another couple of stairs that looked more fancy than the others, thinking this was it, he began walking towards it.

What he didn't expect was to fall into a trap. 

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