Little majesty of hearts | childe

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School AU

"Majesty of hearts?" Childe mumbled as he scrolled down their Instagram page, after he was suspended for 2 weeks due to a fight, Childe missed out on lots of drama and tea.

One of them was 'majesty of hearts'

(A/N I'm sorry but my tired ass doesn't know what to put besides it, so if ur a guy or a non-binary just imagine it as king or something that you're comfortable with)

(Nvm my brain is starting to work)

"Dude you're still scrolling through their Instagram?" Kaeya peeked behind the ginger, the two were certainly best friends. They were both good students but Childe sometimes would get in fights and different types of troubles that would get him suspended or get him detention, meanwhile kaeya was a lady's man.

"It's kinda weird that they popped up out of nowhere, and just started breaking hearts, did they get to yours yet?" Childe smirked at kaeya who just chuckled.

"No one can break my heart that's for certain."

"We'll see.."


The students gathered in their classroom and they each sat down in their seat, Childe stared at the empty seat infront of him, wondering if it belonged to the "majesty of hearts" now, since nobody has ever actually sat there.

And just as he suspected, a student with (h/c) hair and (e/c) orbs that complimented their (s/c) [skin color] walked into the class room, they sat in the seat infront of Childe and pulled out their phone and started browsing through whatever.

Childe's gaze never left them, he was thinking maybe it would be fun to mess with them. I mean who wouldn't want to mess with the majesty of hearts?

Just as Childe reached out his hand to grab their collar, the teacher walked in, he immediately redrew his hand and sat properly.

A few minutes passed and class was going just fine, Childe however got bored quickly.
He inquired if the 'majesty of hearts' was really a good student, maybe a teacher's pet..

The ginger suddenly had the bright idea to poke their leg with his pencil, he sharpened it and slowly lowered his arm to under their seat.


They jolted from their seat in surprise, they looked down to see if their was a mouse perhaps but their scared expression turned into an angry one as they heard the red head behind them laughing.

"You sneaky son of a bi-" they got cut off as their teacher slammed the board with her ruler, catching the attention of all the students.

"(Y/N) have some manners!" The teacher warned.

"But miss he poked my leg with a freaking pencil!" The (h/c) haired heart breaker pointed their finger to the ginger behind them.

" I didn't you're just accusing me." Childe just calmly responded with a sly smirk on his face which angered the student infront of him even more.

"Yes you did, quit it with the damn lies!"

"That's it (y/n)! Detention after school!" The teacher interrupted the two, an angry look visible on her face.

"But ma'am it's his fault!" (Y/N) protested, they had plans for a date, oh well.
For another heart break if you'd be more specific.

"Ahaha~ deserved" Childe said a little too loud.

"Detention for you too childe!"

"Not laughing now are you.." (y/n) glared at him before sitting down in their seat once more to continue the lesson.

(Y/N) tidied their books and put them in their bag, they were about to get up when they remembered they had detention because of a certain ginger.

Soon all the students left and the teacher left the 2 students whom caused a ruckus in her class alone in detention.

Childe stood up from his and walked over to the heartbreaker, he stood infront of them with a sky smirk.
"Heyy~ magesty of hearts"

"What do you want?" They coldly replied not bothering to look up at him as they were too busy scrolling through Instagram.

Childe snatched their phone from them and held it up in the air, grinning like an idiot as he did.

"Hey! Give it back!" They reached out their arm to grab their phone but Childe only put it away far from their reach.

"Let's see what's on it~" he cooed as he rested his back on a wall, his detention-mate took this as their chance and snatched their phone back.
"Never heard of privacy?"

Childe quickly spun around and switched their positions, (y/n)'s back now facing the wall, he put out his arms to either side of the heart breaker and trapped them in.

"Wh..what a-are you doing?" They stammered feeling his breath on their face, Childe only leaned closer in and all they could do was try and lean their head away from the boy.

"Say, majesty of hearts. What made you become a heart breaker?" A sky smirk was visible on his face, Childe enjoyed as they got all flustered infront of him.

"Say, Childe. Ever heard of minding your own business?" They reached out their hands to push Childe away but he instead grabbed them by their wrists and put their hands above their head.

"You look really cute right now, you know.."

"Are you always like this or am I just lucky?" (Y/N) looked away trying to hide the red tint on their face, they hated the position they were in.

"Say, shall we make out?" They suddenly shot back at the ginger, they saw as his face got red from the sudden request.

"I mean, how can I say no?" Childe slowly leaned in for a kiss.

"I was being sarcastic."

"Oh you're no fun at all!"

"Okay, now let me go."


"What the hell do you mean no?!"

"I mean no do you wanna hear it in French? Non!"

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