Chapter 9

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Nishinoya awoke to the smell of bacon. He sat up and yawned, stretching. He saw Tanaka doing something at the desk in the room. He waved and Tanaka waved back busily. Rolling his eyes, Nishinoya went to the kitchen. "Good morning Kiyoko."

"Good morning Noya!" She smiled, pushing her glasses up. "Did you sleep well?" Kiyoko inquired, flipping the bacon over and turned to him.

"I did, thank you." Noya said. "Cooking breakfast?" Kiyoko nodded. "Yeah, Tanaka would probably blow up the kitchen, or worse, himself."

"Hey! I heard you!" Tanaka said, eliciting a laugh from Kiyoko. "Don't encourage him Kiyo! You're making it worse!" This only caused her to laugh harder and nearly slip. Nishinoya was quick to catch her.

"I'm quite alright Noya, thank you." She smiled and pat his arm. He pulled it away hurriedly, blushing. She hadn't been in real danger but he still reacted as such. Kiyoko found it sweet. "Thank you for worrying Noya." Kiyoko pat his head, smiling.

"You're welcome Kiyo." He smiled back and leaned against the counter. "Need any help with breakfast?" Noya offered.

"No, I've got it. Thank you." She smiled and cracked eggs in a bowl. Noya nodded and let her cook, going back to the living room. Tanaka's cat, Neko, was curled up where Noya had been before so he sat next to her. The cat looked up and nudged Nishinoya's hand, demanded he pet her.

Nishinoya pet the soft fur of the cat, smiling softly. Neko is a long haired persian cat, a beautiful grey and white color. She purred softly as he pet her, clearly content. After a moment or two, she curled up in his lap for more petting, which Noya gave.

After eating breakfast and everyone getting ready for the day, the trio packed up Tanaka's truck and headed to Hinata's place. On the way, they sang songs from their highschool years and talked. It was a two hour car ride, what else would they do?

As they approached the area they were meant to stay, Noya got a bit excited and wiggled in his seat. Kiyoko giggled and covered her mouth. Tanaka chuckled a bit and reached behind Kiyoko to ruffle Nishinoya's hair.

"Calm down kiddo. We're almost there." He teased. Kiyoko laughed and even Noya chuckled at the joke. "Look, there's Hinata's place." Tanaka pointed it out and pulled up to it, parking.

They got out and went up to the door. Hinata answered quickly and smiled. "Hey! Welcome, thanks for coming!"

"Of course! How could we miss it, shrimp?" Tanaka teased, ruffling his hair. Hinata protested but was laughing. Even though he'd grown to be nearly eye level with Tanaka, who'd also grown taller, the joke didn't end. Nishinoya noticed that every one of his friends and known friends of friends grew taller as they grew older. Nishinoya was still as tall as his highschool years and he didnt actually mind. It made his work easier.

"Hello. Do you need help carrying anything?" Aone approached them. Tanaka declined and he nodded, leading them in.  The tree was set up and there were already a lot of people there. Akaashi and Kenma sat next to each other on the couch. Tendou and Bokuto talking with Kuroo and Daichi near the fire, Suga and Yachi were cooking in the kitchen where Kiyoko joined them, Kageyama and Ennoshita were teasing Kinoshita and his girlfriend, even Tsukishima showed up with Yamaguchi and Kyotani. Nishinoya smiled at all the familiar faces.

"I guess Iwaizumi and Oikawa arent joining us?" Tanaka asked, setting the presents under the tree.

"Oh no they are! Kindaichi went to pick them up from the airport." Hinata said. "Settle in, make yourself at home. We have hot cocoa going if you want some or some eggnog. Asahi is showing up later too, said he had to get his kids ready."

Speaking of children, Nishinoya noticed a young one hovering near Tsukishima. He approached him curiously. "Hey Tsukishima. Who's this guy?" He asked, smiling at the kid.

"This is my brother's kid. I'm stuck babysitting so him and his wife can take a break. Kato, say hi." Tsukishima said. The young boy waved and murmured a hi.

"Kato huh? Is he a twin?" The boy looked down and Nishinoya realized what it meant. "Oh is he...?"

"Dead. Died of pneumonia last winter." Tsukishima said. He sounded cold, void of feeling for the situation but Nishinoya could hear the waver in his voice. He liked his nephews and he missed the one that died.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Hey Kato, do you want to play a game?" Nishinoya asked. Kato nodded and looked up curiously. "Great! Here's how it works. You hide and if I don't find you by the time everyone's here, I'll give you one big present you've always wanted."

"What if you do find me?" Kato asked. "What do I give you?"

"I get to tickle you." He grinned and Kato giggled, bouncy. "Alright, go hide and I'll search in a minute. Kato nodded and ran off.

"You've got a way with kids. Probably cause you look like one." Tsukishima said.

"And you look like a dinosaur. Your point?" Nishinoya smirked and Yamaguchi snickered.

"Don't encourage him Yamaguchi." Tsukishima said quietly, cheeks red from embarrassment.

"What are we in high school? I'll laugh if I want to Tsukishima." Yamaguchi stuck his tongue out at the tall blonde. Nishinoya laughed.

"Now now, save it for couples therapy." He said. The two laughed harder and even Tsukishima chuckled. Nishinoya talked to them for a bit and went off on his own to get a hot chocolate.

"Noya!" Bokuto ran over to him, skidding to a stop before collision. "Hey can we talk somewhere in private please?" Nishinoya nodded and the two heades out to the backyard. "Thanks man."

"Yeah, what's up? Do you need help?" Nishinoya asked, looking up at the ex ace.

"I need you to see someone if that's still something you do. I know you used to but I didn't need it then." Bokuto said. Nishinoya recognized the phrase. It was a code to put a hit on someone.

"Who do I need to see?" He asked, tensing a bit. Bokuto worked for the FBI. If he agreed, it could get him in big trouble.

"Look, I know you don't trust me cause I'm FBI but Kenma's parents are getting worse. Notice his outfit? You can barely see his skin. I need them out of his life. He's falling apart and won't get help. If we don't get a report we can't do anything but you can. Please man. Just this once."

Nishinoya went silent for a moment. Kenma's situation was familiar and unlocked memories he'd shoved into a neat box in the back of his mind. His sisters. The way they always seemed to get into fights at school or had a sport they played to explain their bruises. The late nights his parents spent screaming at someone about something. It enraged him.

"I'll think on it." Nishinoya said. He walked past Bokuto and went inside.

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