Chapter 11

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After dinner was eaten and the dishes were washed, leftovers put away, and eggnog refilled, Nishinoya went up and got Kenma and Akaashi for presents. The three went downstairs and started. The kids were occupied with toys playing a game of some kind with Aone watching them from his spot on the wall.

"Alright, how do we start?" Daichi asked. "My family hasn't done Christmas in a while." Suga and Oikawa came up with a system and explained it. Two hours later, presents were opened and thanks were given. Kindaichi had to drive Oikawa and Iwaizumi back to the airport to go back to Argentina a while later, and Bokuto had his job that he had to do. Otherwise everyone was still there.

Nishinoya recieved a hat, gloves, sunglasses, a beautifully made knife, a toolbelt, a nice tie, combat boots, and sketchbooks with sketch pencils to go with it. He had already filled several pages of a sketchbook with faces of his friends. Daichi looked at his and grinned.

"You could be a sketch artist in the police force. Can I get a sketch if I describe the person?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." Noya got a fresh page and sketched as he was told. The final sketch was their highschool coach, Coach Ukai. He laughed. "Yeah, I guess its good. Here, keep it." He signed the page and tore it out, giving it to Daichi.

"Thanks Noya. I have to go, duty calls." He checked his phone. "Let me know if you'd wanna try being a sketch artist, I was really serious and I know a guy who could help out." He waved and left.

Nishinoya played with his knife, examining it all over as Aone played with kids and Hinata nearby. Everyone else was preparing to leave, packing up their recieved gifts and saying their goodbyes.

Bokuto stopped by Nishinoya and pat his shoulder. "Sorry for pushing it." He seemed crestfallen but he respected Nishinoya's decision. Noya nodded and waved goodbye. He'd done some self-searching and decided that going through with it would be best for Kenma.

Kenma sat next to him. "Can I look at the knife?" He asked. Nishinoya nodded and handed it to him. "Thanks."

"Mhm. Can I draw you?" Kenma nodded and Nishinoya began sketching. Kenma held nearly perfectly still so Noya had a good reference, scrolling through his phone.

"Whatcha up to?" Suga asked, walking over. Nishinoya explained and Suga nodded. "I can model if you want to draw me sometime Noya, we could figure out something. I have some things to take care of, so I'm leaving. See you later!" He gave Noya a little hair ruffle and headed out.

"Bye Koushi." Noya called out. Suga returned to goodbye and Noya finished up the sketch. He'd drawn a small smile on Kenma's face, barely noticeable. It helped bring the picture to life more.

Kenma looked at the picture and handed it back. "It looks nice. Thank you." Noya was about to rip it out when Kenma stopped him. "Keep it, I won't need it." He said.

"Alright." Nishinoya replied. He didnt like how Kenma worded that but he couldn't give in to his anxiety. Kenma had never been one to know exactly how to say things back in high school, Nishinoya hadn't expected much to change at all.

"Kenma, your mom says she needs you home." Akaashi said. Kenma sighed and nodded. "See you later Nishinoya." Akaashi said.

"Bye Noya. Thank you." Kenma said. Noya smiled at him.

"I'll see you soon Kenma. Thanks for posing." Nishinoya said. He could tell he was confused but refused to elaborate.

"Hey Noya, are you staying with us again or do you want a ride home?" Tanaka asked him.

"I think I'll go home. Thanks though." Nishinoya confirmed. Tanaka nodded and told Kiyoko. The two were getting ready to leave, so Nishinoya did the same.

Hinata came up and hugged him. "Thank you for coming Noya-San. I missed you a lot. Do you wanna come over for dinner sometime?" He asked.

"Hm? Oh, sure that sounds great!" He returned the hug. "Just text me about it." Hinata nodded and let him go.

On their way out, Nishinoya got stuck under the mistletoe with Kiyoko. Tanaka seemed a bit jealous but didn't fuss when Kiyoko gave Noya a small peck on the cheek. Probably because he got a better kiss when they got in the truck.

"Gross! Save it for the bedroom you two!" Nishinoya fake gagged and shivered. Tanaka laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Don't be jealous, Yuu." Tanaka smirked.

"I'm not jealous but I might be sick." He fake gagged again. "Bleh, couples are weird."

"Oh come on, that's not how you were in high school." Kiyoko said.

"I wasn't aromantic or asexual back then. Was I?" Nishinoya pointed out. Kiyoko was shocked for a moment but smiled and giggled. "Oh yeah I didn't tell anyone yet. Oops." He shrugged. "Guess its no secret anymore."

"We won't tell anyone unless you're okay with it Noya." Kiyoko promised. "That is a funny way to come out. Just forget you hadn't mentioned it. I know Kenma-San said he was asexual but you never did."

"Yeah, even Yachi told us about them being nonbinary back in June for National Coming Out Day or something like that. I think you were on one of your business trips then." Tanaka said.

"Yachi's nonbinary? I didn't know that. They were really feminine in high school." Nishinoya said.

"Oh they were, but I'm happy for them. At least they know we accept them." Kiyoko said. "Just like we accept you, Noya." Nishinoya smiled and turned to the window. They rode in silence for a while until they came up on Nishinoya's apartment.

"Well, this is it. See ya later shortie." Tanaka said, smiling at his friend.

Kiyoko gave him a hug and smiled. "Stay safe Nishinoya. We'll drop by in a couple days."

"Alright. Drive safe you two!" He waved them off and headed inside, going in his apartment. Something was wrong. Silently, he closed his door and set his things down, taking out his new knife. Someone was here. He searched the apartment and found someone facing a window in his room. He creeped up on them but froze as the man spoke.

"Hello Yuu Nishinoya. We need to talk."

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