Chapter 19

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Nishinoya was still mulling over the phone call he'd just had with Tsukishima when Asahi came back with donuts and two Starbucks cups. "You got me coffee?" He rose an eyebrow, taking a donut gratefully, then his cup. 

"No, I got me coffee. You got hot chocolate." Asahi said, sipping his coffee. Knowing him, most likely something caramel. He liked caramel a lot, at least back when he and Noya were really close. "Eat up, you need something in your system." 

"Mhm. Okay, Mom, jeez." Nishinoya teased, a smile on his face as he ate the donut. It was glazed with strawberry filling. His favorite. "Thank you, Asahi. I appreciate it." He aimed his smile at him and finished off the two donuts he'd been given, downing the hot chocolate.

"You're welcome, Noya." Asahi smiled and finished his breakfast. Suga came in and scowled playfully. 

"Asahi, he isn't supposed to have caffeine," Suga said, throwing the Starbucks cup out. 

"It wasn't! It was hot chocolate." Noya defended. Suga laughed and smiled.

"I know, Noya. He asked me before he got it." The silver-haired man ruffled his hair and checked his vitals, writing some things down on the clipboard attached to the bed. "You're fine for now, I'll come back in for a checkup after visiting hours. I doubt we'll get any visitors in this storm." Noya looked outside and his eyes widened. It was raining outside, hard, and the wind whipped the trees around.

"Jesus!" Noya muttered. Asahi looked up and the three boys burst into laughter at it, bringing them back to their high school days. Noya could imagine it was just another sleepover with his friends, fake worshipping Asahi as Jesus, or calling Sugawara 'Mom', or Daichi 'Dad', even pretending to be one big family. Well... "We always were just one big family, aren't we?"

"What do you mean we were? Noya, we still are!" Suga smiled brightly and helped him back into bed. "We'll always be a family. Nothing can change that." He said, moving some of Nishinoya's hair out of his face with the careful movements of a mother bird preening her children. Nishinoya smiled at the comparison and almost shared it. "Besides, why wouldn't we stick together?" 

"Maybe because I used to murder people?" He suggested, frowning as his mood plummeted. Why wouldn't they leave him, knowing what they did about what he did? Why would they stay? Maybe they were keeping an eye on him to make sure he didn't kill again, like a bomb without a timer. You don't know when or if it will go off but you're on edge anyway.

"Used to is the key phrase there." Asahi said, joining the conversation. "We know you don't do it anymore, so, and I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I don't mind. I wish you hadn't, but the past can't be changed so we just have to forgive and forget. It's not like you went on a spree to kill people. You were paid to and you said yourself that they all deserved it when-"

"Not the girl. She didn't." Noya interrupted.

"Right, of course. Not the girl, but all those men, they did. Didn't they?" Nishinoya quieted and thought about it. All the terrible deeds committed on young girls and boys by the men who fell into Death's arms by his actions. Asahi could read his face. "Exactly, they deserved it. You believe it, I do too. You aren't one to make people suffer Nishinoya. I know they wouldn't have from your hands." 

"Let's change the subject, shall we? How about we-" Suga was cut off when the intercom came on. 

"We have a Code Black. I repeat, we have a Code Black. Please stay away from floors four and five, a team has been dispatched already."

Judging from Suga's suddenly pale face, Code Black wasn't anything to be happy about. "Suga, what's a Code Black?" Nishinoya asked. Suga shook his head but Nishinoya pushed. "Suga, what is it?" 

"Nothing good, but nothing we're in immediate danger from. They'll tell us if we need to leave but... Oh, shit, I have to go check on Sekaigi!" Suga began to panic and rushed to the door. He was gone before Nishinoya could ask who Sekaigi was. Probably a patient.

"I'll look up a Code Black. We're on floor four, so maybe we should leave. I don't know if you can move though... Despite how nice he was, Suga wasn't too eager to see you out of bed." Asahi began to fret, chewing on his lip. God, Noya hated when he did that. 

"Asahi, don't bother. We'll be okay. Suga didn't tell us to leave, so we'll be fine." Just as he said this, Bokuto ran in dressed in his FBI gear. Why was the FBI here? "Bokuto?" 

"You need to evacuate now." He said quickly, glancing at something on the clipboard on Noya's bed. "You can move, get down to the lower flowers. Use the stairs, not the elevator. It'll be quicker. Asahi, you have to help him and leave here, now." Bokuto was being serious, no time for hello's or explanations. 

Asahi, already on edge from Suga's behavior, nodded and got up immediately, feeling panic rise in his chest. "Bokuto what-" But their questions were avoided as Bokuto ran out to warn the next room and Kuroo peeked in, then left immediately seeing Asahi getting Noya up.

"Asahi, what's going on?" Nishinoya felt tears in his eyes as he shoved on some shorts under the hospital gown. "Are we in danger?" Asahi bit his lip, chewing nervously. "Asahi!"

"Honestly? I don't know, Noya. I don't know." He helped him get out and headed for the stairs. They got there and headed down, straight to the third floor. Daichi was there, helping the staff organize the evacuating patients. "Daichi what's going on?" Asahi asked. 

"Trouble, that's what," Daichi said. "I'm not allowed to say, I'm sorry. Follow Ms. Kira, she'll get you to a temporary room until we can get this sorted. I'm sorry." So, Asahi and Nishinoya followed the nurse to a room with half a dozen other patients with a nurse in there. Ms. Kira left to continue helping and Noya sat down, crying. What was going on here?

[ I don't usually do this, but just so you guys know I'm going by the hospital codes where I live. A Code Black means there's a bomb/suspicious object. ]

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