Chapter 15

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"What? What's that supposed to mean?! Noya what are you saying?" Asahi said, grabbing his upper arm harsher than he meant. "Noya!"

"Asahi back off!" Suga pulled him away. Asahi was panicked, staring at Nishinoya. The small male had frozen up, staring at his lap in shock, tears in his eyes. "Asahi. Asahi!" Asahi snapped out of whatever trapped him and looked down at the silver haired nurse. "Asahi sit down."

Asahi obeyed and stared at the floor. "They're going to die." He muttered. "He said so. Nishinoya said so. They're going to die." Asahi held his head. "Oh what have I done?"

"What you've done? What you did? You aren't the one that pissed off a mafia leader and almost killed him!" Nishinoya snapped, the heart moniter going crazy as his heart rate sped up. "You aren't the one who killed his daughter! Who-"

"Nishinoya Yuu be quiet! Calm down, the both of you or I'm calling Ukai!" Even as adults, the threat of Ukai shut up the former Karasuno volleyball players. "Nishinoya. What are you saying?" Suga asked in a softer voice.

"I-" He licked his lips and sighed. "I was a hitman before I was a bodyguard. I was once hired to kill a girl I had no idea of. Turns out she was a mafia leader's daughter and now my friends and I are going to die for my mistakes." He paused to breath. "The mafia leader found me two years ago and I accidentally almost killed him. I thought he died. He's not of course and found my apartment. It was terrifying. He kept me captive, he'd sown my mouth shut so I couldn't scream, tied me down, used-" He stopped and looked away. "Well you've probably figured most of that out by now Suga. In short I was tortured."

"Oh my god." Asahi covered his mouth, pale. He looked like he was about to puke. "That's awful."

"It is. Nishinoya, you have to tell Daichi about this." Suga said. "I know it's scary but you have to. They'll only be hurt more if they don't know." Nishinoya held his head, shaking it violently. Suga cupped his cheeks. "Hey, hey, listen. You're safe, okay? You're safe here. I promise."

"He... He'll find you." Nishinoya whispered. "He won't stop." He began crying. "He'll kill everyone I love. I can't h-handle it I-" he sobbed in Suga's chest.

Asahi had to step out, throwing open a window in an empty room and sticking his head out, taking deep breaths. His nerves calmed down after a while and he stepped back. Right into someone behind him. He yelped and turned around, opening his mouth to scream only to have a hand pressed to his mouth. The man in front of him was horrifying. Scar tissue ruined most of his features and something clicked in Asahi's head. This is the man who had tortured his friend.

"Quiet now Azumane. My friends have eyes on your little boy if you don't cooperate." Asahi's confusion made him smirk. "I know you have two sons but Kane isn't little anymore Azu. Leo however..." He trailed off, an obvious threat. His hand lowered and Asahi swallowed his yell. "Good boy."

"Stay away from my sons." Asahi said quietly. "I'll pay whatever you want, do whatever you want, just leave my family alone."

"Hmm. You are in no position to make demands. You're also in no position to threaten. I know you know you aren't the one I'm after. Where is he?" The man demanded. "Where. Is. Nishinoya Yuu?"

"I don't know." He said. There was no way he would give any information to him. Especially nothing about Nishinoya. This man had tried to kill him. He just hoped he seemed fearful and stupid enough.

"Well, that's pretty unbelievable. You know who I am. He told you. That tells me that you were with him recently enough to know of his torture. You know what room he's in." The man glared at him and Asahi swallowed thickly. Shit.

"If I don't tell you?" He asked. The man smirked and pressed something on his phone.

"I got eyes on the kid boss. Give the word and he's down." A voice said. It was unknown to Asahi, unfamiliar, but the faint sound of a school bell made Asahi's heart drop.

"You get the idea I assume?" The man put his phone closer to himself, a smirk on his lips. Asahi nodded, defeated. "Good. Now I'll only ask once more Azumane. Where is Nishinoya?" His smirk fell and his tone was scary, his face scarier than before.

"Down the hall. I don't remember the room, I was lead by a nurse, but I didn't the hallway. I had to get some fresh air and I didn't want to annoy anybody." Asahi said. He didn't look up, staring at the ground. He could feel the man's presence lift slightly as he turned to leave.

"Oh, and Azumane?" Asahi looked up to see the man grinning at him. "I'll be seeing you later." He was confused as the man walked away. Something poked the back of his neck and he reached up, pulling a dart out. Spinning around, he saw someone on one of the balconies of a nearby building with a dart gun. His eyes widen and the world went black.

Nishinoya forced down some applesauce with Suga watching. He was starting to get worried about Asahi. Something wasn't right. The hairs on his neck stand up as a nurse outside yelled. The noise was cut off quickly. Suga showed no worry but Nishinoya knew better.

"Oh Nishinoya~" The voice was sickeningly sweet. Nishinoya froze, eyes wide. Suga frowned and stood near him. "I know you're in here~"

"Suga go." Nishinoya whispered. "Go, now."

"I will not leave you." Suga said. He stood near him as the door opened and the man walked in. Nishinoya gripped Suga's hand in fear. Suga gripped back, startled by the man's appearance. Familiarity hit him and when he remembered why, he gasped, eyes widening.

"Hello again, little brother."

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