Chapter 21

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Nishinoya sat up, rubbing his eyes. Something was bugging him, but his sleep-addled mind couldn't make sense of it. How long was he asleep? He usually wasn't so... foggy. He looked around and saw Suga reading next to him in normal clothes. Must be his day off or something. "Suga?" 

"Oh, you're awake now." Suga put a bookmark in his place and smiled at Nishinoya, checking his vitals on instinct. "I'm glad it wore off finally."

"Wore off? What wore off?" Nishinoya asked, still a bit hazy. 

"You went feral when Asahi left after the news of his wife having an affair. You wanted to go with him and protect him, but we tried to stop you." Suga lifted his leg, showing a knee brace. "Hurt my knee trying to get you back, so I'm on sick leave. I decided to keep an eye on you and since I'm part of the staff, no one questions me here." 

Nishinoya's stomach did loop-de-loops. Suga got hurt because of him. He fought off tears and bowed his head. "I'm sorry Suga. What did you mean wore off though? You never said." He pointed out. 

"Oh, we had to give you something to knock you out to be able to handle you," Suga said. "Don't worry, it's nothing terrible and it's already wearing off." Nishinoya nodded but he questioned himself. He didn't remember doing anything like what was described. 

"Where's Asahi?" He asked, worried for his friend. Suga didn't respond, looking down. "Suga, where's Asahi?"

"Asahi? O-oh, uhm. He's at home." Suga said. "We found out some news and it's... Well, it's quite a lot for him."

"Huh? What does that mean? Is Leo okay?!" Nishinoya frowned, ready to jump up. Suga's sad smile made him rethink his decision to get up and got comfy. "What happened?"

"Asahi found out that his wife was having an affair, so he helped the FBI get access to her computer to look through it as she was a suspect for the attempted murders on him. Well, she was putting poison in his food and she knew Asahi had taken a picture of it, so she went after him with a knife and tried to kill him. He hit her over the head with a textbook and she's here in the hospital now. Solitary confinement." Suga explained. Nishinoya was, for once, suddenly speechless.

"Is he... Is he okay?" Nishinoya asked quietly, feeling pure fear enter his system at the thought of Asahi lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines and wires and tubes like his sister was before-

"Asahi's fine, just shaken. He'll be fine, I promise." Suga said, patting his head. Nishinoya stared at his lap, picking at the sheets. "Noya, are you hungry? I can grab you some food."

"Yes please, nii-chan," Noya said quietly, feeling tears in his eyes. He never felt so shitty about being right. Never wanted to be wrong more in his life. God, why was he right? Why this time?

"Okay, I'll be right back." Suga said, standing up and heading out. Noya was grateful to see he wasn't limping. Or was he? He didn't trust himself anymore. Suga came back with some snacks, putting them on Nishinoya's lap. "Here you go, Noya." He smiled and Noya smiled back out of habit.

"Thanks, Suga." He munched on one of the snacks, smiling as he did. Snacks always made him feel better. One of his few childlike qualities that didn't get left behind in high school. It would have been embarrassing if it was anyone but Suga. Suga, however, was a lot like an older brother.

"Of course, Noya!" Suga smiled and leaned back, sighing. "Asahi's gonna come here during visiting hours to say hi and update you, so pretend I didn't say anything." He said.

Nishinoya chuckled. "Yeah, got it." He munched on his snacks quietly until visiting hours, then stared out the window quietly. "Are they coming?" He asked aloud, but the room was empty now. Suga was off having his knee looked at.

Daichi's car pulled up as if to answer his question and he saw Daichi and Asahi step out. He smiled halfheartedly and leaned back, staring up at the ceiling. They were coming. He was here. Just a few more minutes and he would get the whole story.

Sure enough, as he predicted, Asahi and Daichi came up to his room after a few moments. Daichi sat where Suga had been before leaving and Asahi stood. Nishinoya smiled and waved.

"Hey, what's up? Kinda freaked me out when you left. You're okay, right?" Nishinoya decided to start the conversation after a few moments of silence.

"Actually, I'm not doing too well. I'm fine physically, don't worry about that. Just a bruise." He began fidgeting. "I found out my wife was poisoning me, and my kids, and that she was cheating and trying to kill me so she could leave me."

"Oh God. Are you gonna be okay? I can c-" Nishinoya stopped when he saw Asahi's expression. "You didn't..?" He paled.

"No, she's not dead. I panicked and hit her with one of her textbooks but I- I- Noya I didn't mean to do it. I didn't think that- no, I wasn't even thinking. What if she does die?" Asahi began to tear up.

"We've been over this. I don't think you'll get in any trouble. It was self defense." Daichi said.

"I doubt she'll die. Textbooks might cause trauma or concussions but I've never seen one that can kill." Noya said. "I'm trained to know these things. Mkay?"

Asahi nodded and sat down next to Nishinoya. He was shaking. Nishinoya took one if his hands in his own and just held it while Asahi sat, shaking with fear and nerves. It worked, just like high school, and Asahi calmed down.

"Thank you." Asahi said, smiling at his friend. "I'm okay now." Nishinoya nodded and let go of his hand, putting his own in his lap.

"So what's going to happen now?" Nishinoya asked.

"I'm getting a lawyer."

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