Chapter 2

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Nishinoya snapped away at around 5:40 am and looked around. He was on the couch in Asahi's home office. He'd fallen asleep around 11 while Asahi did some extra paperwork. He scolded himself for falling asleep so easily before Asahi had finished his work. Nishinoya sighed softly and stood up, stretching. He heard something behind him and turned around, pulling a knife from his pocket. Asahi held his hands up in surrender. 

"Hey, hey, it's just me. Good to know your sharp in the morning." He eyed the knife as he made a weak attempt at a pun. Nishinoya put his knife away and watched as Asahi sat down at his desk and begin working on paperwork from last night. "How did you sleep? I didn't want to move you once you fell asleep, I hope that was okay." 

"I slept alright. I'm sorry I fell asleep before you. I should've stayed up longer." Nishinoya hung his head in shame. "I'm supposed to protect you, not fall asleep and leave you alone." He sat down and frowned. He heard something and looked up, seeing Asahi holding in laughter. "What?" 

"Have you already forgotten your work hours? You fell asleep around eleven. Your job ends at ten." Asahi said, laughing softly. "I don't mind you falling asleep before me. I'm more nocturnal than I used to be." He said, finishing up a few things and putting them away. "Are you hungry? I'm sure my wife wouldn't mind feeding you." 

"Are you sure?" Nishinoya asked. Asahi nodded and stood up, glancing at the clock which now read 6:00. Nishinoya nodded back and stood up. "Alright then. I am a bit hungry." He followed Asahi to the kitchen and the taller man made them both a cup of coffee. Nishinoya accepted his plain and sipped it. It was a good brand, one he normally couldn't afford. Being rich and famous didn't seem to change Asahi much from high school. He was still a bit awkward and he was definitely nervous around others. 

"Good morning handsome." Asahi's wife came in, kissing his jaw and smiling. She was already dressed and Nishinoya made a mental note that the family was all early risers. "Does pancakes sound good for breakfast?" She asked, pushing a headband up to move her bangs from her face. Opposite of her husband, she had short cut hair and was a few inches taller than Nishinoya. He couldn't help but notice her body posture next to him. Perked, alert, as if she was trying too hard to appear calm. 

"Pancakes sound wonderful. Oh, right, Himari this is Nishinoya Yuu, the bodyguard I was telling you about." Azumane motioned to Nishinoya, who bowed politely before returning to his coffee. "Nishinoya, this is my wife Himari." 

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Nishinoya," Himari said. She curtsied and smiled politely at him. 

"The pleasure is mine miss." He smiled back and rinsed his cup once he finished his coffee, silently cursing himself. He was the one she was uncomfortable around. Not Azumane. He had terrible taste in women, but he didn't marry murderers. Right? No, the only time he came close to marrying someone who might hurt him was in high school when... Best not open that can of worms. 

"So, how's work going?" 

The question broke through Nishinoya's thoughts and he noticed it was directed at Azumane, so he refrained from answering. His boss, however, didn't like the question. A frown played at his lips and he ran a hand over his hair nervously. Nishinoya took note of the way his shoulders tensed at the subject, as well as his eyes closing as if to dispel some thought or opinion. Instead, he tried his best to seem relaxed and answered his wife. 

"Work is going well. I, uhm, got a death threat. Maybe two, but I can't be sure they aren't from one person." Azumane said, not making eye contact with his wife as he did so. "The strangest thing is it wasn't a normal threat. It didn't say that I'd done something wrong but rather that if I didn't die I'd be ruining the person's life and my kids would die with me. I don't know, it's a lot. There are people looking it over to check for prints or matches in handwriting but I doubt they'll find anything." 

Once again, Nishinoya noted that Himari seemed to tense up at this, though it could be put in play with her husband getting a death threat. 

"Can you really trace a note by handwriting? What databases are they using to trace it? How is it done?" She was... curious. Nishinoya stayed alert of her hands and arms, rather than her expressions. He had a bad feeling about her curiosity, though she may just be coping strangely. She'd stopped what she had been doing and both hands rested about an inch from the counter. 

"They're checking opposing businesses and the criminal database. Although they might check the law form where you and Kane work just to be safe. I doubt it's possible but if you've made any enemies at work they're a suspect. I just ca-" 

"Jesus Christ!" The sudden scream made Nishinoya jump and once again grab his knife from his pocket, holding it defensively. "It's got a knife! Dad why the hell is there a middle schooler in here?!" The voice belonged to one of Asahi's children, a girl who stood around the height of her mother with auburn hair and glasses. She seemed on the defensive but Nishinoya didn't doubt she would throw something at him, possibly her large textbook, if she felt it necessary. 

"The 'middle schooler' you're looking at is your father's bodyguard. My name is Nishinoya Yuu, I apologize for startling you." Nishinoya bowed, putting his knife away in the process. He took note of the small hands on the girl's skirt. "Your younger sibling?" He asked, motioning to the hands. 

"I'm so sorry Nishinoya, I forgot to inform my family that you were here. This is my daughter Rose and my youngest son Leo." Asahi said. "It's okay kids, he's not here to hurt anyone. He works for me." 

"Can you do that again?" Leo peeked out from behind his sister, who still seemed on edge from the whole experience. 

"Do what again?" Nishinoya asked, crouching to be at his level. 

"The twirly thingy with the knife. The way you made it disappear was so cool!" Leo grinned and tried to mimic what Nishinoya had done, failing to do so but seeming pleased with himself. 

"No, not right now Leo. Maybe later. Your mom is making breakfast." Nishinoya said.  

"Okay, mister." Leo nodded and climbed into a chair. Himari made plates for the kids and put them out, making pancakes for herself and her husband. "Is mister gonna eat with us?" Leo asked, poking his pancakes. 

"Yes, then after breakfast he and Daddy have to go to work," Himari said. "You still have to get ready for school young man." She set out plates for the adults and sat down. Azumane sat beside her and Nishinoya stood as he ate, saying his thanks before eating. He could tell they'd have a long day.

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