Chapter 13

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Asahi called up his old volleyball captain, Daichi. Even though it was late, he knew Daichi would answer. He was just that kind of person. A sleepy voice answered the phone quietly and Asahi took a deep breath, then explained.

"So its probably your paranoia. You're taking your anxiety meds, right?" Daichi asked. Asahi usually apprectiated the concern but now wasnt the time to treat him like he was unstable.

"Yes. Of course I did." Asahi said. He could hear his annoyance seeping into his voice but at this point he didnt care. "I'll send you screenshots of what he just sent me. Maybe then you'll be worried too."

"Babe who's on the phone?" Asahi couldn't put a name to the voice but he knew it was from Daichi's side.

"It's Asahi. Go back to sleep love." Daichi said. Asahi waited as the screenshot sent and Daichi read it. "That is concerning. I'll grab Ennoshita and drop by his place. Will that calm your nerves? He's probably stressed about whatever happened at the party. Koushi said something happened between him and Bokuto."

"Yeah. Thanks Daichi. I'll wait for an update." Asahi said. He hung up after Daichi did and drank some water from his water bottle sitting on the dresser. After putting it back, he slipped under his blanket and tried to get back to sleep.

After Daichi hung up, he swung his legs over the bed and pulled on his shoes, grabbing his shirt. A hand on his back stopped him. He turned and saw his husband with a worried look on his face.

"What's going on? Where are you going?" Koushi frowned and sat up when his husband ignored him. "Sawamura you will answer me right now. Where are you going?" He demanded.

Daichi gave in and explained. "So I have to go wake up Ennoshita and take him with me for backup. Protocol and all." He caught Koushi's worried face and smiled, holding his hand. "I'll be okay love, I promise."

"You better come back to me in one piece. I don't want you to be the next guy on my surgery table." He said, his eyes full of worry.

"Love, I'll be okay." Daichi promised. He ran his thumb over his husband's hand, bringing it up and pressing his lips to Koushi's knuckles. "I always come back to you. I promised when I asked you to marry me and I promised again when we got married. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon."

"And I'm never leaving you." He pulled Daichi into a hug, kissing his cheek. "Be safe." He whispered. Daichi promised again and pulled his shirt on, leaving and grabbing his coat on the way. After getting his belt and gun from the locked closet in the hallway, he called Ennoshita at home and shortly explained that they were dropping by Nishinoya's and to bring his gun and badge just in case. He grabbed his own and headed out to his car.

"Is Nishinoya okay?" Ennoshita asked as they got in once Daichi pulled up. "He's okay right? We aren't gonna arrest him are we?" They were worried for their old school friend of course.

"No, we aren't arresting him." Daichi said. "I got a call from a worried friend who asked to check on him. The guns are for our safety, required by protocol." He explained, then showed his partner the screenshots. Ennoshita nodded their agreement to Daichi's worry.

They arrived at Nishinoya's apartment and Daichi parked, telling Ennoshita to get out and be prepared. Daichi quietly turned the car off and shut his door, carefully going up the steps with a hand on his gun. He headed to Nishinoya's apartment, Ennoshita close behind. Getting in was easy as the door was wide open. Always a bad sign. He cleared the room and waved to Ennoshita, their face pale and looking as if they were going to be sick. It smelled rancid in the apartment, like dried blood and chemicals and dead things. Daichi knew something was off. Nishinoya always kept his place clean and smelling like lemon cleaner.

Ennoshita's eyes widen and they pointed shakily towards the kitchen. Daichi turned and nearly puked. He took a moment to cover his mouth, eyes closed, and steadying his breathing. He calmed down and went over. A small pile of dead creatures covered the small table. He recognized rats, squirrels, and a rabbit but the rest were too destroyed. Those poor creatures. It was only a week since they last saw Nishinoya, but this was terrible. Daichi shuddered to think of the state Nishinoya must be in. He turned and headed quietly to the bedroom. He motioned for Ennoshita to check the bathroom and they complied. Daichi slowly pushed the door open and cleared the room of hostiles. Something, or someone, laid on the ground.

"Ennoshita! Come here!" Daichi shouted. Ennoshita came back and announced it clear. They noticed the figure and reached for the light. Daichi squeezed his eyes shut and the lights flicked on. He slowly opened his eyes and gasped. Ennoshita's own gasp sounded soon after and Daichi bent down, feeling for a pulse on Nishinoya who'd been the figure on the floor.

[⚠ Warning ⚠
Description of Gore]

Nishinoya needed medical help. His back was in ruins, whole long strips of skin missing leaving gaps showing the muscle of his back. He had small shards of glass in his arms and cuts on his legs. His mouth was stitched shut and he had a black eye. The blood covering him was mostly his own but a lot was dried. He'd obviously been tortured. Some of the marks on his back, which he assumed were from a whip, were starting to close. Daichi called Suga and told him that he'd need to go to the hospital for emergency surgery. No, it wasn't for Daichi. Yes, Ennoshita was fine. After managing to get Suga quiet, he just blurted it out.

"Nishinoya might be dying and we need you to save him." Daichi blurted. "Get in your car and get to the hospital as fast as possible. No cops will stop you and traffic isn't a problem at this hour. Speed as fast as you can." Suga confirmed and Daichi hung up. He radioed it in and got a confirm for Suga to be let off.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Ennoshita asked, helping Daichi lift up Nishinoya. Worry filled their tone and Daichi sighed.

"I hope so Noshi. I hope so." He carried him out and to the ambulance waiting for them. He drove Ennoshita home and went to the hospital.

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