Chapter 23

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Two weeks later, Nishinoya was living with Asahi and the two were in court, building a case against Asahi's now ex-wife. So far, the court ruled in Asahi's favor and today. Today was the day that could change. She presented her side now. Asahi gripped Nishinoya's hand, shaking from his anxiety about the situation. For reasons he still couldn't understand, courtrooms (especially the jury) usually put the female in favor if she pulled the victim card, and Asahi had seen too many innocent men put in jail because of it to not be worried about his well being.

He listened with great interest as his ex described years of neglect, abuse, cheating, anything and everything under the sun to paint him as a villain. He himself saw holes in her story too big to be casually brushed off by anyone, but from what he could see of the jury, they were buying every word she said. His anxiety peaked, breathing short and quick as he realized just how dire the situation could turn to be. He could go to jail. Nishinoya put both hands on Asahi's, squeezing lightly then releasing the pressure to remind him to breathe. It was something they did back in high school before games and it still worked as Asahi's breathing relaxed.

Asahi spelled out a 'thanks' on Nishinoya's palm and gave him a small smile. Nishinoya just tapped his hand in response and returned his attention to the case. It took an hour and a half for her to tell her story. It was well-spun, woven like a web from a spider. Nishinoya couldn't help but appreciate the attention to small details.

The jury left the room, deciding, and Nishinoya could barely breath. She'd done a good job spinning her web, a true black widow in waiting. Would the jury be tangled in her web, or would they escape the spider's hold and fly free once again?

"Do you think I have a chance?" Asahi whispered, fiddling with his watch. 

"I think so." Nishinoya nodded, staying as still and calm as possible. "Listen, just calm down, okay? I can grab some food if you're hungry." 

"No, it's fine. I can't eat." Asahi said. "I might throw it up." He grinned sheepishly. 

It took a few hours but the jury came back, handing the judge an envelope. She took a moment to read over it, nodded softly, and called for everyone's attention. "The jury has reached a decision. Azumane Asahi, you've been declared..." She glanced back at the paper, seeming to take ages to the nervous fashionista next to Nishinoya. "Not guilty. However, your verdict was not so kind miss." She directed to Asahi's soon-to-be ex-wife. "Himari Asahi, you've been declared guilty of attempted murder and adultery."

"This isn't right! I'm the victim here!" Himari exploded, jumping from her seat as a pair of cops tried to grab her. Nishinoya held in a grin seeing Kinoshita's face. "No, stop, I'm the victim!" She practically screeched.

'Typical guilty party behavior.' Nishinoya thought to himself. He stood calmly, looked at the judge, and walked towards her upon receiving a nod. "Would you like some help?" He asked Kinoshita.

"Please, Yuu, she's a handful it turns out." Kinoshita said, struggling to grab Himari's arm again.

"Alright." He stepped forward and hit a pressure point under her chin, quicker than she could process though that didn't surprise him. Her body froze, rendering her immobile. She struggled but could do nothing. "Have fun in a holding cell, miss." He smiled kindly, though sarcastically, and went back to his friend.

"What did you do to her?" The judge asked, weary yet grateful.

"Applied pressure to a specific spot, causing her muscles to become much harder to move. That's all." Nishinoya explained. "She'll be perfectly fine in about forty minutes."

"Court dismissed." The judge said, then left. Nishinoya helped Asahi up and walked him out, shadowing him once again.

"I can't believe you actually attacked her! What if you got arrested too?!" Asahi yelped, frowning and rubbing his temple. "You scare me sometimes, Noya. You know that?"

Nishinoya laughed and pat his arm. "I know, but you still love me." He teased, earning a small smile from the taller.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Asahi admitted. "Come on, let's go home and get some food. I'm starving."

"Its a temporary apartment, but I guess you can call it home." Nishinoya called for their driver and leaned on the wall. "She seemed so confident that she would win. It makes me laugh thinking about her reaction to losing this." He laughed a bit and sighed, grinning. "Call me crazy but seeing her get so, what's the word? Exasperated, that's it! Seeing her that exasperated is so fun. People like her? They're why I did what I used to before becoming a bodyguard." His face got serious.

"Because those people deserve retribution and the law tends to turn a blind eye to the true psychopaths." He scowled at the growl, interrupted by the arrival of their driver. He smiled again and beckoned Asahi. "Let's just brush that aside though, we should hurry and check on Leo! He'll be missing you by now, don't you think?"

Asahi chuckled nervously. "Yeah, he probably will." When did Nishinoya get so... so strange? He wasn't psychotic, Asahi knew that much, but not normal. Strange would work until he found the right vocabulary.

They rode in silence, both too wrapped up in thinking about the day's events to start up another conversation. In all honesty, Asahi didn't WANT to start another conversation. Not if it ended up like the last one. A shiver went up his spine at the thought but he calmed down, taking deep breaths.

Nishinoya caught his change with his sharp senses, frowning. They won, so why was he so nervous? He didn't say anything, smiling to himself as memories of high school were brought up. Asahi had a habit of being nervous after the game was over, too. He'd get over it.

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