Chapter 12

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"Hello Yuu Nishinoya. We need to talk." The strange man said. Nishinoya gripped his knife tighter and the man laughed. "Now, now, no need for hostilities. Besides, I would win anyway. I am, after all, the one who trained you." Nishinoya gasped softly and took a step back.

"No. No that can't be. You're- you- but I saw you-" He stumbled over his words, terrified.

"You saw me die? No Nishinoya. You left me to die." He turned. The light hit his face and Nishinoya cringed. Across his features from the top right of his forehead to the left side of his chin was a massive scar. The light bounced off of it weirdly, making it almost seem to glow. His usually brown eyes were completely red from the acid that had been thrown at them and one eyelid was burned away. Spots of red covered the area around his eyes and lower forehead from the acid as well. His lips were scarred and his neck held a device around it with a small hole, possibly to breath in. His hair, what used to be one of his many prideful attributes, was terribly cut and greasy, thinning near the front. From what showed of his arm there were similar acid scars and a few claw scars. His other arm had been replaced with metal, a crude making of a limb that squeaked almost silently when it moved. How it was connected at all was a mystery. His shirt used to be a nice white button up was now muddy brown and ripped, revealing more scars. Though he was badly scarred, he was still very muscular and built well.

"You died! I watched you! Those dogs they-" He let out a scream as suddenly there was a small blade in his arm.

"Shut up! I didn't say you could speak! You are still my soldier and I am still your commander!" The man hissed. Nishinoya quieted his noises of pain on instinct, shutting his eyes. Hopefully the torment would end soon, but that wasn't very likely. "Get up."

Nishinoya stood up and, filling with despair, realized that the soonest someone would be here would be would have been two days from then for Tanaka's visit. Which means he was alone to deal with the man. He cursed himself and looked up as a fist came swinging towards his face.

Asahi sat up in bed with a jolt, panting. He threw off the blankets. Himari was spending the weekend in a hotel for work. He went downstairs, pouring a glass of water and leaning on the counter, drinking some. A sigh escaped his lips and he set the cup down.

"Nightmare?" Someone asked. Asahi turned and saw Kane. "You usually sleep like a rock."

"Yeah." He nodded softly. "Anxiety. I haven't taken my meds in a while, but I'm gonna start them again."

"You know what the doctor said about being off of your meds. Its bad for your health." Kane fret.

Asahi couldn't help but smile. "You know, you remind me of your mother. Always worried about me or your siblings. I'm glad we had you."

"How old were you when you had me? I don't know." Kane said, making his own cup of water.

"Gosh, we were maybe your age or a little younger? I know she was just turning eighteen and I had just entered my twenties. We're only two years apart. It was a drunk happening but I'm grateful for it."

"I always thought I was a mistake you regret. I'm glad thats not true." Kane smiled happily.

"Don't go doing the same thing. I love your mother and you but you might not be as lucky as I was. If you get a girlfriend, either wait or use protection." Asahi said, only half joking. He knew Kane could tell.

"Are you and Mom breaking up?" Kane asked, startling Asahi. "She's gone more and you always seem so sad. Although you always look like a kicked puppy."

"Hey! I might be cool compared to other parents but I'm still your father. Why would you consider it? No, I'm pretty sure we aren't getting a divorce or breaking up."

"Okay. Sorry, I overstepped my boundaries." Kane apologized and finished his water. "So what was the nightmare about?"

"You're fine Kane, no overstepped boundaries." Asahi said. "I'm not really sure what the nightmare was about. It was bad enough that I woke up from it but it's all I remember right now."

"Well if you do remember, I'm always here to talk. Okay Dad?" Kane smiled and pat his shoulder, going back to his spot on the couch. He'd been sleeping there for days and Asahi didn't understand it.

"Yeah, got it." He put his cup down and headed back upstairs. Once he situated in bed, Asahi began thinking. Kane brought up a good point. Himari and him had been seeming to drift apart. Was he doing something wrong? Did she not love him anymore? What was all this about? He shook his head and sat up.

Maybe it was all in his head. Still, it hurt to think of. Damn his anxiety! He felt tears in his eyes and let them fall, watching the light from the moon make them shimmer on his arm. God he was so stupid. Of course Himari would fall out of love with him. There were so many people who were better looking and more capable than him. More deserving.

His phone buzzed with a text message. Asahi wiped away tears, blinking hard to clear his eyes and vision. Once he could see again, he picked it up. A text from Noya?

[Nishinoya Yuu] 11:27pm
Asahi I can't explain. I'm in
huge danger and so is your
family. Get out of town, now!
Leave and dont come

Asahi frowned worriedly and watched another message appear.

[Nishinoya Yuu] 11:28pm
Please ignore my last message.
I do not know why I would say
such a thing. There is nothing
to worry about. Goodnight.

He frowned. Noya was never that formal. He turned off his phone and sat quietly. Something was wrong and he didn't know what to do about it. Maybe Kane would but no he couldn't bother him. His head shot up with glee. "Daichi!"

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