Chapter 16

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"Brother?!" Nishinoya let go of Suga and looked up at him, then at his tormentor. Fear and confusion overwhelmed him. The two men faced off, Suga glaring and the other smirking.

"Kai. You are not my brother." Suga said, holding his ground and his head high. "You weren't my brother the day you did what you did to our mother." His face was scary to Nishinoya. He'd never seen Suga so angry.

"You're upset because of what I did to that witch?! She didn't care about you! Dad adopted you to help her get over my twins death and she hated you!" Adopted? Nishinoya nearly gasped. He didnt know Suga was adopted.

"You killed her in cold blood! She was your mother, Kai!" Suga snapped. "She did everything for you!" Nishinoya could hear the quiver in his voice. He was going to cry.

"You guys are related?" Nishinoya asked, startling both of them. He could tell Suga had regained his composure, which had been his goal.

"His family adopted me when I was young." Suga said. "Although his mother never really loved me as her own. Of course, neither did Kai."

"I did love you! You were like my blood brother! I protected you from so much bullshit as a kid! Mom being on drugs, Dad being in a mafia, my twins death. All of it." He growled.

"Drugs?" Nishinoya imagined he could hear Suga's heart breaking. He'd always spoke highly of everyone, giving them the benefit of the doubt if it was possible. He was always such a good person. "No, no. She was angry a bit yeah but she wasn't on drugs."

"She was! She was angry all the time because Dad would take away her drugs and she went through withdrawal often. I protected you as best as I could." Kai moved closer and Nishinoya let out an audible yelp.

"It's okay Noya. I've got this." Suga whispered, holding his hand. This time, Noya didn't reject it, instead clinging to it like a scared child. "I realize that's probably true but I don't choose to believe it. There is no evidence and-"

"Koushi, the good child. Koushi, the one who gives everyone a chance. Koushi the favorite!" Kai snapped. "You don't even have my real last name! You stuck with your own!"

"I was never the favorite! You aren't the one who was up late at night listening to our parents whine and complain about how shitty you are! How they regret adopting you. No! That was me! You ran away to your friends house every night!"

Now it was Kai's turn to be shocked. He opened his mouth but Suga continued. "I defended your absence every time! I took the blame for things that you did so you wouldn't get punished! Do not tell me about the bad of your past because I went through it too!"

"Koushi I-" Kai's eyes widen and he stumbled. Red bloomed on his shirt. "Koushi." Fear filled his eyes. Suga rushed forward and caught him. The red spread quickly, blood dripping from his mouth. Ennoshita stood in the doorway, a gun in their hand with a silencer, shaking with fear.

"Ennoshita what did you do?!" Koushi yelped. Ennoshita broke down, crying. They'd never shot someone and adrenaline ran through. "Kai! Someone get a doctor! Kai don't die yet. Please."

"I'm sorry I-" Ennoshita swallowed thickly. "I panicked! We'd been told he was dangerous and it was instinct I didn't mean to I-" They shut up as Daichi ran in.

"Koushi!" He went immediately to his husband's side. "What happened? Are you hurt?" He cupped Suga's cheek, blood covering the silver haired male's clothes. "Koushi." His voice softened.

"H-he's dying. Suma he's dying. My brother, my only family left alive." Suga sobbed and held Kai. Daichi looked down to see him and frowned. A doctor ran in and, with help from others, put Kai on a table and rolled him away. Suga sobbed into Daichi's chest, clearly distraught.

"You'll be okay Koushi. It's going to be okay." Daichi murmured, rubbing circles in Suga's back. He held him, comforting him. "Where's Asahi?" He inquired after a few moments.

"He went out for fresh air." Nishinoya said. "Down the hall. I- oh god." His eyes widen and he tried to get up. Ennoshita was quick to stop him. "He got to him! Asahi might be dead because of him! Let me go!"

"I'll go check but you have to stay here." Ennoshita said. Nishinoya stopped and sighed. "Good. Now stay and rest. I'll be back soon." They promised. After a nod from Nishinoya, they walked out.

Down the hall, Asahi was beginning to wake up. Groggily, he sat up. Memory evaded him as he attempted to gather his surroundings up in them. Ennoshita appeared and began asking questions. They didn't register in his mind.

"Asahi!" Ennoshita snapped behind his ear and he jumped, startled. "You still with us? Come on, Nishinoya's worried about you. Let's go." Asahi got up and followed, blinking.

When they got in, Asahi became worried for Suga who was soaked in blood. It wasn't his, which became obvious. He went to Nishinoya and got practically tackled into a hug. He returned it softly. Wet soaked his shoulder and he looked in surprise to see Nishinoya crying.

"Nishinoya, are you okay?" He asked, rubbing his back. "I'm okay, I promise." Asahi frowned and held him close. It wasn't like Noya to cry. He didnt let people know his true emotions anymore. Now Asahi knew why of course, but he had always assumed that it was because he got tired of being called dramatic.

"I thought he killed you. I thought you were dead. I can't lose you Asahi. You're like a brother. I can't lose you. Not after I lost my sisters." Nishinoya sobbed. Asahi knew he'd lost his sisters but he never said anything. Frowning, Asahi held him closer.

"I'm not leaving Noya. I'm right here, breathing. Alive." Asahi squeezed him shortly. "I'm always here for you. What are brothers for right? I'm not gonna leave anytime soon." He said.

Eventually, Nishinoya fell asleep and Asahi laid him down. Suga had also fallen asleep. Asahi and Daichi looked at each other and nodded in understanding. Daichi picked up Suga and walked out, possibly to a resting room in the hospital. Asahi laid on the floor and closed his eyes.

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