Chapter 5

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Nishinoya stayed in the hospital for nearly two weeks before Asahi finally woke up and stayed awake and coherent. Noya jumped up from his chair and went to him. "Asahi! Asahi, how are you feeling? Are you okay? Not sick or anything, right?" 

"No, Noya, I'm okay." Asahi said, not trying to sit up. "Just tired. How's Leo?" He asked. 

"He's doing a lot better. Just a cold." Nishinoya said. "I haven't been able to figure out who's been poisoning you, so I've decided I'm gonna be your ghost again. No pay." 

"You don't have to-"

"Ah ta ta ta. Shush. You need rest and I need you alive. Himari would kill me if you died. I have to protect you, it's my job." He said, smiling and sitting next to him, pulling his phone out. He played a game, seeming to be absorbed.

"How is Himari?" Asahi asked. 

"She's doing alright. Worried out of her mind trying to find out who poisoned you." He said, sounding absorbed. "I'll figure it out eventually." 

"Are you sure? You don't seem to be paying attention." Asahi said. 

"I am paying attention. If it's obvious I'm alert, no one will come near you. If I seem distracted, they'll be encouraged to do so." He explained. "It makes your family more comfortable knowing that I'm not constantly watching them." 

"But you are." Asahi argued. 

"That's the point. I have to keep your family safe but if they don't trust me I can't do my job correctly. You can either accept that I don't always seem interested or you can fire me. Either way, you will be alive for Christmas this year." He said, looking up at him. "You're my friend. You mean a lot to me."

Asahi nodded and looked at the ceiling. "Okay. You mean a lot to me too, Noya." He closed his eyes. "I'm going to take a nap."

"Alright, I'll be here," Nishinoya said. 

After another week in the hospital, Nishinoya drove Asahi back to his house. He parked in the driveway and helped Asahi get out, getting him in the house. Once inside, Asahi sat in his chair in the living room and turned on the tv. Nishinoya locked the door and sat near him, once again looking as if he were focused on whatever was on the tv. He knew Asahi was nervous but he swore to keep him safe again.

Nishinoya heard Asahi's breathing even out as he fell asleep in the chair. He smiled softly and watched tv until Leo came home and Nishinoya had to let him in. He fed the kid a snack and helped him with his homework then turned on a kid's show and colored with him in the living room so he could watch Asahi while keeping an eye on Leo as well. They stayed like that for hours until Kane came home. 

"Oh hey, Nishinoya. How's Dad?" Kane asked, hanging his coat up and locking the door behind him. Nishinoya waved a hand at the sleeping adult in the chair and Kane smiled. "Healing takes energy. He'll sleep like a rock tonight no doubt. Never could wake him up."

"He'll wake up around dinner. Just wait and see. As soon as he smells my absolutely amazing cooking, he'll wake up immediately." It was a joke, but Kane nodded and smiled. Nishinoya had learned that Himari had a business trip so he took up the cooking. "I'll make dinner soon, we're almost done coloring." 

"I'll be in my room." Kane said, heading upstairs. Leo held his belly and huffed. 

"I'm hungry." Leo whined. Nishinoya nodded and headed to the kitchen, pulling out ingredients and beginning to make some curry. Leo sat at the table and watched him, helping Nishinoya wash the vegetables. They cut up the vegetables and started the curry. As Nishinoya predicted, a bit before the curry was done, Asahi woke up and walked into the kitchen. He went to wrap his arms around Nishinoya before it registered who it was and he hugged Leo instead. 

"Dinner smells great Noya. Your mom's curry recipe?" He asked. Nishinoya nodded and Asahi pulled his hair into a bun. "I really hope you remember how to do it. No burnt curry this time." He teased, wiping sleep from his eyes. Nishinoya laughed and shook his head. 

"I remember how to do it Asahi." He said. "Anyway, it's almost done." Nishinoya heard the ding of the curry being done and made plates for everyone. He called Kane down and waited for everyone to sit down before doing the same. They said their thanks and ate the curry. Nishinoya felt confident it was safe as he'd kept an eye on it and had thoroughly cleaned the cutlery and dishes before he made food. Just as a precaution. 

After dinner, Nishinoya cleaned up the plates and washed everything, putting the leftovers in a Tupperware then into the fridge. Leo came up and tugged his pants. "What is it kiddo?" 

Leo pointed to the window. "Someone's out there Noya." He was terrified. "I don't like him. He's scary." Nishinoya pat his head and peeked out the window. Tanaka was outside, scoping out the top floor. He sighed and pet Leo's head, letting him know he was okay. He walked outside. 

"Oh, hey! I was looking for you Nishinoya. I have some news on the person you asked me to keep an eye on." He said. Nishinoya shooed Leo inside and rose an eyebrow. "Himari isn't on a business trip. I'm pretty sure she's having an affair with a co-worker. Someone named Akiteru?" Nishinoya knew that name. He couldn't place it. 

"Thanks, Ryuu. You want some curry? We just ate and there's still some left. My mom's recipe." Nishinoya nodded his head towards the house. Tanaka turned down the offer and headed back to wherever he went at this hour. Nishinoya returned inside and again locked the door. 

"Was it a bad man? He was scary." Leo whispered. Nishinoya laughed quietly and shook his head. 

"No, he isn't a bad man. He's my friend." He said. "He had some work thing to talk about." He ruffled his hair and went on. So, an affair huh? It added suspicion to the previously cleared wife but not enough for an accusation. Lots of people have affairs. It's almost natural. He brushed it off and continued working. 

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