Chapter 6

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Nishinoya ran a tight ship while Hirami was on a 'business trip', making sure everyone was fed well, got plenty of rest, and that Leo got in a few hours of playtime. There weren't any attempts on Asahi's life over the three weeks his wife was gone, but Nishinoya figured it was because of him. When she finally did return, she was surprised to see Nishinoya there and everything going well. Nishinoya smiled as he let her in and offered to make her a plate if she hadn't eaten on the way home. She declined, saying she wasn't hungry and headed up to her room. 

"Why's momma actin funny?" Leo asked. He looked up at Nishinoya curiously, having grown on him. 

"She's just tired from her flight. She'll be all better in the morning." Nishinoya promised. "Why don't we eat some dessert?" 

"Yeah!" Leo bounced around as Nishinoya got out some pudding he had made and gave some to Leo, Kane, and Asahi. As the day ended, Nishinoya laid down on the couch and slept peacefully. 

The next morning was eventful. Nishinoya had a schedule burned in his brain, but Himari did too and both adults fought over their schedules, though Nishinoya usually let Himari have the lead. He made breakfast while she got ready for work, then he helped Leo get his things ready and off to school and made sure Kane actually ate, woke up Asahi, and got ready for the day. Asahi had the day off so he stayed in the living room and watched the news while he crocheted. 

Around noon though, everything went downhill. 

"Hey, Nishinoya? Is it just me or is it hot?" Asahi asked, closing his eyes. Nishinoya turned the thermostat down, agreeing. He came back to find that someone had opened the door. He asked, but Asahi said he hadn't. Nishinoya immediately checked everywhere and realized he hadn't seen any footprints from the snow outside and ran back to find someone crouched behind Asahi's chair with a knife. 

"Asahi, move!" Nishinoya shouted and tackled the guy, screaming in pain when the man slashed his arm. Despite his injury, Nishinoya managed to get him knocked out. He stood, holding the gash in his arm. "Call Kane. Get the police here, and a medic. Are you okay?" 

"Forget me, look at your arm!" Asahi fret over his friend, trying to wrap his wound up. Nishinoya glared and Asahi called Kane, explaining the situation. He was told they'd be there soon and he hung up. "There, I called Kane, now let me wrap that." Nishinoya gave up and let Asahi clean and bandage the wound. The guy woke up but no one noticed. He grabbed his knife and lunged, missing Asahi completely with how blurry the world was, and got Nishinoya in the side. He went down with a sharp kick to the face. "Nishinoya!" Asahi caught him as he stumbled and held the knife handle. Asahi tried to pull it out and Nishinoya shoved his hand away. 

"Stop! I'll bleed faster if you take it out. Leave it, it's plugging the wound." He grimaced, leaning into Asahi. Kane arrived a few minutes and the paramedic was with him. The paramedic fussed over him and Kane spoke with his father about what had happened. Nishinoya was asked questions and he answered to the best of his ability. He felt them poke a needle in his arm and figured he was about to pass out. Sure enough, they put him under as they approached the hospital. 

Nishinoya woke up hours later with an ache in his side. He tried to sit up but it hurt too much, so he stayed down. Doctors came in and out over a few hours to check on him and make sure he was alright. Visiting hours rolled along and Asahi came in with Leo. Nishinoya smiled and gave him a fist bump. "Hey, kiddo." 

"Are you okay?" Leo was worried, leaning on the hospital bed to look at Nishinoya. "Daddy says you got hurt trynna save him. I think that you're really brave." 

"Thanks, kiddo. I did get hurt but the doctors fixed me up and I'll be better in a few days. You're pretty brave yourself." Nishinoya said, grinning at him.

"What did the doctors think?" Asahi asked. Nishinoya shrugged as he didn't know and Asahi nodded as if he'd been told everything. "Are you in pain?" Nishinoya shook his head, just tired. Asahi seemed to tell and grabbed Leo's hand. "Let's let him rest, okay Leo?" Leo nodded and said goodbye. Nishinoya waved softly and closed his eyes, exhausted.

In his dreams, Nishinoya was failing to save his mother again. Over and over, his subconscious tortured him with the memories of his mother, of his failure to see what was going on. It's best not to get into the details of what exactly happened in those dreams. Just know it was terrible. A terrible way to go that made Nishinoya hate his father and himself. He woke up with a start to see two nurses, now startled with how he'd woken up, tending to his vitals. 

"Are you alright, sir?" One asked. He nodded and laid back down. She didn't believe him, though she didn't press for answers, knowing better. He was given a dose of medication and slipped into unconsciousness once more. This time plagued with memories of his days as a hitman. He killed many people for lazy, rich folk who didn't like someone or people saving money to get rid of a highschool bully. He didn't so much mind getting rid of the ones who deserved it, but he always felt bad for their family. 

One day, Nishinoya approached the house of a man who he'd been paid to get rid of and consoled the family, posing as a coworker. He had helped them get back on their feet and even helped their little girl learn how to make friends in school and get caught up with her assignments. It was that same little girl's words that made him quit. She'd figured him out and he'll never know why she didn't tell her mother. Even still, her words haunted his mind even now. 

"Why did you do it?" 

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