Chapter 10

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What was Bokuto thinking?! They were Kenma's parents! Still, Nishinoya knew firsthand how it felt to be in such a situation. You feel helpless, powerless, even useless. It was hell to go through, especially alone. Nishinoya had his sisters but Kenma... Kenma is an only child. He needed his help, whether he wanted to ask for it or not. He told himself he'd to it but went to Bokuto.

"I'm not risking it. I understand its terrible but I can't. You're FBI and it's definite that you'll be questioned if I did it. It's a no and I'm not changing my mind. Don't try to change it Bokuto." Nishinoya said.

"You're heartless, you know that? He's in pain and you say you won't help?" Bokuto glared at him.

"Hey. Do not try and say I don't know what he's going through. I used to have five sisters. Now I have three because of my parents and them not locking pills up even with what they did." He snapped. "Don't preach to me about the effects of it. I know firsthand."

"All the more reason to help him!" Bokuto argued.

"I said no!" Nishinoya snapped and stormed back inside. He brushed off Tanaka's questions and climbed onto the roof.

The sound of a trapdoor closing brought his attention from his mind. Suga sat down next to him and stared at the horizon. The sun made the frost shimmer like silver and it made Sugawara look like an angel.

"Koushi? Am I a bad person for what I've done? You know, the 'hunting' I did for a while." Nishinoya said. Suga was the only one he'd ever fully trusted and confided in.

"Of course not, Yuu. It was bad decisions made for the right reasons. If there is some higher being that judges us after we flip the switch then I'm confident that he, she, it, or they will understand. Why do you ask?" Suga turned to Noya. His eyes sparkled like white gold, the hints of blue in his grey eyes were accented by the sunlight.

"Bokuto wants me to 'see' Kenma's parents. I told him no but it's a tempting offer. With what Kenma's going through and how I went through a similar thing and I... Bokuto called me heartless and I just... I..." He wiped tears from his face stubbornly. "I don't know Koushi."

Suga pulled him into a side hug. "If you truly believe that doing it will make Kenma's life easier and rid the world of sinners, I'll support your decision. If your torn between it then go with the stronger spiritual pull. If doing it feels right here," he put a hand on Noya's chest, "-but not here," he poked his head, "-then its probably the right decision. I work in the hospital. Many times I've had hard decisions. Nothing like what you're doing now but they were life or death. I went with my heart and most of the time that leas off-book, but it saved that person's life. Its why I haven't been fired. Because my soul knows whats best."

"What if I have a wicked soul? Wouldn't it lead me down the wrong path and condemn me to the negative?" Nishinoya said, looking up at the man who'd always been an older brother/father figure to him.

He was quiet for a moment, wording his reply. "I think." He started softly. "That only truly wicked people have wicked souls. I think our souls choose the right way no matter what we do. The path we believe to be the best. Everyone sins, but I believe that few have wicked souls as your suggesting." Suga finished.

"You think so?" Noya looked at the horizon.

"I do." Suga said. They sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the cool air and beautiful sights until a family van pulled up. "That must be Asahi. Come on, lets go down and greet him. Okay?" Suga smiled and offered a hand.

Nishinoya took it. "Okay." He felt Suga wipe his face clean with one soft sleeve, his warm hand cupping Nishinoya's face.

"You're loved Yuu. Maybe not by yourself, but you'll always be my little brother. I'm here for you no matter what, okay?" Suga smiled and kissed his head in a familial fashion. Nishinoya smiled and followed him back down.

Sure enough, Asahi and his family walked in. Leo ran for Nishinoya as soon as he was off the steps. "Noya! Noya! Noya!" He jumped up, being caught by him. Kindaichi, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi came in soon after. Nishinoya smiled and said hi to everyone. He set Leo down and went searching for Kato. He found him hiding under the sink.

"Come on out Kato, I found you! Everyone else is here, there's even a kid around your age. Do you wanna say hi?" Nishinoya helped him out and, after recieving a head nod, introduced him to Leo.

"Thanks for that Noya. I was worried Leo would be the only kid." Asahi said, smiling. His wife went to the kitchen to help the other girls and Suga make plates. Iwaizumi and Kuroo had since joined them.

"Of course! I'm just glad I'm not the shortest." Nishinoya joked. He realized that Asahi had grown taller since high school too. Asahi got a laugh out of his joke and set his presents under the tree.

"Adults! Children! Dinner is ready, come get a plate!" Suga yelled. "Daichi, help Aone set up tables will you?"

"Okay!" Daichi called back. He and Aone set up tables and everyone took turns going into the kitchen to get a plate of food and come back. A few of the adults got some alcoholic eggnog though Suga made a kid friendly batch to give Leo and Kato thankfully.

Aone put on Rudolph for the kids and leaned on the wall to eat his food. Nishinoya sat next to Kenma after getting permission and began eating, having already said his thanks. He noticed Kenma wasn't eating and nudged him curiously.

"I don't like eating with so many people here." Kenma whispered. Nishinoya nodded and stood up, offering a hand. He took Kenma to a guest room. "Thanks." Akaashi followed them, sitting with Kenma.

"I'll come get you when we start presents, okay?" Nishinoya said. The two agreed and he left them alone, going back.

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