Chapter 14

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Daichi sat in the room used as a break room and nap place by hospital employees. He'd been allowed to stay there since it was a unique situation. Asahi still hadn't been informed and Nishinoya hadn't woke up. He looked up as the door opened and smiled softly at his husband.

"I see you're still here." Suga said, changing into a not-so blood splattered shirt. He'd just gotten out of another round of pulling glass from Nishinoya's arms. There seemed to be more shards buried under the seen shards deeper in his arm. "Do you want some coffee?"

"No, I had some earlier. Is there a water bottle I can have?" Daichi asked. Suga nodded and grabbed one from the fridge in the room. He tossed it to his husband who caught it and opened it, drinking some of it. Suga laid his head on Daichi's shoulder as the coffee machine started. Daichi put an arm around his husband and kissed his head.

"I know I'm supposed to be positive and telling you he'll be okay but..." Suga trailed off and Daichi knew he was holding back tears. He rubbed his arm, silently comforting him. "God it was so bad Suma." The nickname made Daichi's heart hurt. It was often Suga used pet names or his full given name before ever using nicknames. "His back was really bad off and there's so much glass and I-" He began crying. Daichi pulled him in and held him as he sobbed.

"He's a strong man and a good fighter. I know he'll get better. You're doing the best you can and I know he's grateful, or will be when he wakes up." Daichi said softly. "I believe that you can save him. I believe in you." Suga eventually calmed down and nodded softly, pulling away. He wiped his face and took deep breaths. Physical affection wasn't how they usually worked, but sometimes it was necessary.

"Thank you." Suga muttered. "It means a lot. Thank you." He sighed and they were both startled by the sound of the coffee machine dinging. A light laugh fell from Suga's lips and he got the coffee.

"Sounds like coffee doesn't like love." Daichi joked. Suga laughed again and sat down, sipping the coffee.

"Looks like it." Suga said, adding cream to the coffee. "Do you need help telling Asahi about this?" He asked, leaning on him.

"I didn't want to ask but if you're willing then yes please." Daichi said. "I won't force you, I can do it myself." Suga held his hand softly and smiled. Daichi took a deep breath to calm himself and dialed the number.

Asahi picked up his phone immediately when he saw Daichi's name. "Hey." He said, trying to sound casual.

"He was hurt when we found him but he's getting better thanks to Suga's hard work." Daichi said. "There's still a few surgeries until he can fully rest but I believe that he can pull through."

Asahi sighed happily. If Daichi were confident then he could be as well. "Alright. Thank you. Tell Suga I said thank you as well." Asahi said, sitting back in his chair.

"I will. I'll call when there's a change. Get some rest, you sound tired." He said. Asahi agreed and hung up. He set his phone on his bedside table and kicked off his slippers, getting into bed.

After a few days, Asahi was able to go visit Nishinoya, though he hadn't woken up yet. He sat next to the bed and watched him sleep, worried. What had happened to him? Why him? Why would anyone go for Nishinoya? Wasn't he the one that people were trying to kill?

"I knew I'd find you here." Asahi looked up to see Daichi. "Suga said that you came in earlier." He sat next to him.

"Yeah, I've been here a while, haven't I?" Asahi hummed. Daichi handed him a small bag with food in it and a water bottle. "Thank you." Asahi said. Daichi just nodded.

"How long have you been here?" Daichi asked. Asahi shrugged and Daichi sighed. "You need to sleep. Try to sleep, okay? You arent helping Yuu by staying up all night."

"Yeah, I know." Asahi waved him off. "I'll sleep soon. Promise." He opened the bag and removed the sandwich, taking a bite. Daichi sighed and rubbed his face. "What?"

"We can't find who did this and without him being awake to tell us, we'll never know what happened really." Daichi admitted. "Ah, sorry. I don't mean to worry you. Just forget I said anything. We'll find out as soon as he wakes up."

Asahi had finished his sandwich and was drinking some of the water. Worry had started to crawl into his head. What if Noya never woke up? Would he be comatose forever? He didn't speak of his worry, just nodding. "Alright. If he wakes up while you're gone I'll let you know." He set the water down and settled comfortably to fall asleep.

"Thank you. Don't forget to sleep, okay Asahi? You need your rest too." Daichi smiled and got up, pat Asahi's shoulder, and headed out. "See you later." Asahi hummed softly and closed his eyes, falling asleep quote easily despite his fears.

Later, Nishinoya woke up in a near panic. Needles stuck in his arm to which he was acutely aware, his waist was strapped to the table, beeping surrounded him from the machinery, bright lights overhead blinded him temporarily and there was a dark figure next to him. When his eyes adjusted, he saw he was in a hospital and the figure next to him was Asahi, not the man who had held him hostage in his own apartment.

"Asahi." He said, voice very cracked and quiet from a dry throat and not using his voice. His voice. He brought a hand up and touched his lips. Small bumps noted where they'd been stitched shut but he easily seperated them.

"Noya? Are you awake?" Asahi was half asleep still, woken up by the quickening pace of the heart moniter after Nishinoya's small panic. He saw him awake and touching his own lips and sighed in relief. "You're awake."

"Asahi..." Nishinoya said again, more testing his voice than anything. He tried to talk more but stumbled on the words. Asahi helped him drink some water and he sighed. "Thank you. Did-" He winced at a sudden jolt of pain as he sat up. "Did they catch him?"

"No, they're searching for him. We- they- need your help." Asahi said. Nishinoya became fearful and grabbed his friends shirt.

"Who found me?" He demanded. Asahi stuttered for a moment, startled. "Who found me?" Nishinoya repeated his demand, harsher and louder.

"Daichi and Ennoshita." Asahi managed. Nishinoya let go and fought back tears, cursing quietly. "Noya what is it? Whats wrong?"

"They're gonna die and its all my fault."

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