Chapter 24

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~5 years later~

"Bye, Dad! Uncle Noya said he's driving me to school today!" Leo smiled, picking up his backpack and volleyball bag. "I'm gonna start volleyball today!"

"That's great kiddo!" Asahi smiled and adjusted Leo's uniform. "Already in Karasuno. You grew up too fast Leo."

"And I'm super tall!" Leo offered up, straightening his back and making Nishinoya laugh.

"Yeah, that's right. You're almost as tall as me now aren't ya?" Asahi laughed, ruffling Leo's hair.

"Dad!" Leo whined, flattening his hair again and pulling the blonde chunk forward. Nishinoya smiled, remembering when Leo came to him, asking how he'd done his hair in high school.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't mess with the hair. I know." Asahi smiled apologetically and stood up straight. "Well, I'll see you after school. Are you gonna take the train or should I pick you up?"

"Why can't Uncle Noya pick me up?" Leo asked, a slight frown playing with his expression. 

"I've got work tonight. I'm not gonna get off until almost midnight." Nishinoya said, shrugging. "Sorry buddy, no can do on that end."

"Well, head on out. I'm sure your coach won't want you being late." Asahi smiled and waved. "Have fun at school Leo!"

"I will! Bye Dad!" Leo waved goodbye and headed towards Nishinoya's car. Noya said goodbye and followed, starting up the car and heading to school.

Leo headed out and went straight to the gym, giddy with excitement. Stepping inside, he looked around and saw his captain. Kageyama Tobio.

Elsewhere, Nishinoya drove into a small gravel parking lot, turning off his car and getting out. He approached the small house with caution, not quite knowing if he could trust the frosty-tipped FBI agent who called him to the address. Was this where it ended?

He took a deep breath, sighed, and straightened his shoulders. Putting an air of calm over himself, he stepped into the house and walked into the living room, a personal hell for him recently. He talked about the people he killed, how he felt, why he did it, and basically anything a therapist would say to talk about. Not that it did anything for his nightmares. He leaned on the wall as Bokuto put a bookmark in his volume and set it down.

"So, you've arrived. So glad you could make it, Yuu." Bokuto's voice scraped Nishinoya's eardrums like sandpaper. He'd really grown to hate that guy. "You took care of them, right? Like I asked you to?"

"More like straight up demanded. Listen, I took care of Kenma's parents anyway so it doesn't matter. You can't keep blackmailing me, Bokuto. It's illegal." Nishinoya said calmly.

"Ha! As if you cared about what was legal when you killed before! You'll kill again, Noya, unless I stop you." Bokuto said.

"What? Hang on, what are you saying? Bokuto, if this is a joke it isn't funny." Nishinoya took a step back, aiming for the door to run and drive off as fast as possible.

"You can't run Nishinoya! I have all the proof I need! You confessed EVERYTHING to me! I've got it on tape, you can't lie about it anymore!" Bokuto walked towards him.

Nishinoya walked backwards slowly. "Hey, we can talk about this, okay? What did I do? How can I fix it?" He held his hands up, knowing he'd lose in a fight.

"You killed my friend, Yuu! You don't fix that!" Bokuto snapped and shoved his chest. "You're going into prison! On at least three life sentences with no chance of parole, change of cell, last meal, or visits! Whatever family you think you have will be informed and you'll die knowing they think you're a monster."

"Wait, no, Bokuto!" He fell back from the push and ran, slamming the door open. Struggling for a moment, he opened his car door and got in, locking it and starting the car. It started up, thankfully, and he drove. After a moment, he worried he'd hit his head as his vision was blurred. Touching his face, he realized he was crying. Turning on the radio, he listened to the mindless babble to calm down.

"Noya?" He stared at the radio, thinking he'd misheard it. "Noya, wake up!"

Nishinoya sat upright, lashing out at what he instinctively thought was an attacker. Asahi caught his wrist, rubbing circles with his thumb. "Noya, it was a dream. I keep telling you not to drink so much when Tanaka comes over but you don't like to listen. Come on, I've already gotten Leo to school. Don't worry, Yamaguchi will take care of him, I know it. Now come on, you're my shadow and I can't go anywhere without you, buddy."

Nishinoya smiled. "Thank you, but you're being really sus right now." He said. Asahi laughed, covering his mouth. "What?! I'm right!"

"You sound like a teenager! I guess your teenage years were the HEIGHT of your life, right?" He laughed more.

"Oh my Angels you're such a dad!" He pushed him, also laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, now get up! Work starts in an hour."

"Okay, okay!" Nishinoya threw his hands up and headed to the bathroom. He was glad though, just to have some semblance of normality back in his life. He really should get those nightmares checked out. Maybe later.

Hello! Thank you all so much for sticking around till the end. I'm so glad to see the same few faces in my notifications when I post! For those that have been here since it started, I'm sorry for the long waits! I finally finished it though and I hope you all liked it! Have a great life!

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