Episode Twenty - Sum of its Parts

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Keith stands upon the rust-red surface of a small planet in the star cluster, the Black Hole's ring blazing in the sky above. Craggy ridges on the planet's surface frame the sight of both victorious Coalition ships and the surrendered Galra ships descending down to land. Lance, Pidge, Hunk and Allura step out of their own lions and walk up to stand beside Keith. None of them say anything at first, meely staring at the descending ships.

"So...how'd it feel?" Lance asks abruptly. "Getting revenge."

Keith shrugs. "I won't lie and say it wasn't satisfying, stabbing Zarkon right in the chest like that." He opens and closes his hand. "But it doesn't make up for Shiro. I doubt anything will."

The other nod solemnly.

"I just wish he knew that it all made a difference in the end. That we won in the end."

Allura lays a hand on his shoulder. "He knew, Keith. I guarantee that."

He smiles at her. "And what about you? How are you holding up?"

"Well I..."

She hesitates. She glances at the other paladins. They all look at her the same.

"...we all heard what you and Raimon said back there." Hunk ventures.

"He...was your dad?" Pidge says carefully.

Allura nods. "A version of him, at least. From another reality. But it was him. This universe or the next, he was still Alfor. He was still my father."

Her gaze goes distant. The paladins share a collective look and all nod, coming to a decision. They then surround Allura in a group hug. She blinks, stiff at first. But she smiles and leans into the hug.

They break apart, composing themselves before turning their gaze once again to the sky above.

They finally see what they're waiting for.

The Dark Red, Green and Yellow lions are dropped down to the surface by coalition fighters. The lions look dead, not a single glimmer of light in their eyes.

"So...we're in agreement, then?" Keith says.

"I believe so." Allura replies.

He sighs. "I really hope this isn't the wrong choice."

She squeezes his hand, which earns a look of surprise from Keith.

"Trust your instincts. They've gotten you this far."

"I think dumb luck and heaps of help from everyone else got me this far. But as a leader, I guess I need to start pretending like I planned it all that way on purpose."

They both chuckle at that. Then they seem to remember their hands and awkwardly disengage.

Keith nods to Kolivan, standing off to the side.

He nods back, and together with a team of blades, begin to pry open the hatches of the dark lions. It's easier than expected, evidently no defenses remaining to keep the blades out. They disappear into the maws of the lions, and come out a moment later, dragging the occupants.

Honerva, looking ragged is practically carried. Sendak on the other hand, needs four of the blades to manhandle him out of the lion. Prince Lotor strides out wordlessly, evidently unconcerned by his situation.

The three of them are brought before the Paladins.

"Hand them over." Keith says.

"Wh...what?" Honerva asks.

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