Episode Eleven - The Coalition Strikes Back

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Prince Lotor walks carefully, as if on eggshells, into the planning room of his father. Zarkon has his back to Lotor, staring at a display showing a holographic sequence of a teleduv opening, and lines of energy coursing out. A readout of numerical calculations are projected alongside.

Lotor waits for his father to speak. Zarkon says nothing. Lotor's hands clench and unclench, as he continues to wait. Zarkon just keeps staring at projection, watching the numbers change as the calculations continue.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Zarkon speaks.

"You failed." The voice sounds neither angry nor surprised.

"...yes." Lotor says, forcing the word out.

Neither says anything for several long moments.

"...your mother took the teleduv to a secondary location for some preliminary tests. You will go to her."

"...for what purpose?"

"To be out of the way."

Lotor flinches. "...and...my punishment?"

Zarkon finally turns around to face Lotor.

"There is nothing I think I can do, that is worse than the dishonor you have laid upon yourself. You know what a failure you are. Do I have to hammer in what is already clear to see?"

Lotor's eyes bore into the floor, tightening his fists so hard the knuckles go white.

"Leave me. Do not return until you have something of value to offer."

With a jaw clenched so tight the words can barely be heard, Lotor says:

"...yes father."

With that, he leaves.


Pidge gazes intently at a display showing frequency readings. She sits inside a laboratory in the Garrison base, at a computer terminal. She types a few keys on the board and more frequencies appear, overlaying on top of the existing ones. Her expression grows harder.

The door slides open, and Keith walks in.

"Hey, Pidge. You wanted to show me something?"

"Take a look." She nods to the screen.

Keith walks over, and looks down at the display.

"So uh...you wanna tell me what I'm looking at right now?"

She sighs. "When we first got back to Earth, I had them tune the astro spectrometers to look for quintessence, and other unique energy signatures."

"And lemme guess: You picked up some?"

"You could say that. I'm getting some crazy readings all over the place. Been using my spare time trying to locate the epicenter, which I finally did. Check it out."

A map of celestial bodies appears on the display.

"This," she says, pointing to a highlighted spot, "is the source of these energy readouts. And this," she points to another spot, "is the Quantum Abyss. Just a couple of lightyears away. I'm betting that's not a coincidence."

"Me either." Keith says, eyes narrowing. "It's got to be Zarkon."

"So...what do we do?"

"For now, just keep an eye on things. Let me know if anything changes. I'm going to ask the Blades and the Warlords if they know, or can find anything about this."

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