Episode Two - Faith and Friendship

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The Dark Voltron weaves around the last of the pitfalls of the Quantum Void. It pulls to a stop just outside the planet hidden at the center of the Void. Dark Voltron breaks back up into lions almost immediately.

"Here we are." Lotor says.

"Getting readings from some kind of structure down on the planet's surface." Sendak says.

"We shall see now if your alternate had anything of value to provide us." Zarkon replies.

"If my alter went to all this trouble, I'm fairly certain that it is valuable." Lotor says, his voice holding the slightest bit of offense.

"-If we are preparing to land, shall I cloak us from detection, sire?" Honvera cuts in.

"I doubt the planet has any threats worth my concern, but if you must." Zarkon says.

"Right away, my lord." Honvera closes her eyes, and begins to gesture with her hands. Purple quintessence crackles along her fingers, as glyphs appear outside above each of the dark lions. The glyphs pass through each lion, crackling along their surface, before disappearing.

"That should suffice." Honerva says.

"Begin approach." Zarkon orders, taking the lead.

The lions fly down towards the planet's surface. They fly through the atmosphere for a time, gliding above the surface.

"Sendak, where is this structure you spoke of?" Zarkon asks.

"It should be just ahead, my lord."

Sure enough, a large metal dome becomes visible just moments later.

"How would you like to organize the intrusion?" Lotor asks. "Raimon and myself could go in and-"

"Lotor, Raimon and I will go inside, to see what this dome contains." Zarkon says sharply. "Honvera and Sendak, you will stay here to provide support, in the unlikely event we require it."

"Yes my lord." All reply. Lotor's comes a half a moment later than the others, and with a hint of annoyance.

The Black, Red and Blue lions touchdown on the surface, behind a nearby rock formation, and their Paladins exit. Zarkon takes the lead on the approach, with Lotor and Raimon creeping along just behind him. They reach the sheer metal face of the dome.

"There should be an access hatch not far from your location." Sendak informs.

They find it shortly. Rather than try to breach it through via subtler means, Zarkon opts to simply kick the door in. Lotor rolls his eyes as he follows Zarkon inside, with Raimon bringing up the rear.

"Communications cluster up ahead." Sendak supplies. "Hold on, there are some-"

A pair of Galra drones round the corner down the hall. A blur of motion, Zarkon shoots forward and brings a clenched fist down one drone so hard it's smashed into scrap against the floor. Before the other can even get it's weapon up, Zarkon throws out his other hand, that clutches his bayard, and a sword materializes in the middle of the drone's chest. He pulls the wickedly curved purple blade out and the drone collapses.

"Try to improve the speed of your warnings in the future, Sendak." Zarkon says, making it clear this is more than a suggestion.

"Y-yes sire. My apologies." Sendak stammers.

Zarkon and the other two continue onward. Finding another door at the end of the hall, Zarkon kicks that one in too. The room inside has a line of consoles set up beneath a long display screen, showing the inside of the dome. Forests, fields and hills, at the center of which is a cluster buildings can be seen at a distance.

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