Episode Four - The Plights of Paladins

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A video of Voltron's battle with the Robeast plays on a display inside the altean colony dome. Zarkon watches intently, seated in a control chair with Sendak at his side. As the video ends Zarkon presses a button on his chair, and the video rewinds it back to the beginning and the fight starts anew. After a few moments of this, he clicks another button on the chair, and the video pauses.

"Tell me what you think of theses other 'Paladins,' Sendak."

Sendak considers for a moment. "...undisciplined. Juvenile. I'd be shocked if they've been piloting Voltron for more than a year or two."

"But?" Zarkon says, a question in his tone.

Sendak hesitates. "...but that being considered, they have unlocked a number of Voltron's abilities already, and do seem to be able to use them effectively, if crudely. Obviously their skills do not even come close to approaching our own." He adds the last quickly, as if fearing offense.

"I find myself agreeing with your assessment." Zarkon says, staring at the image of Voltron. "They are indeed undisciplined and juvenile. However it is still Voltron they pilot, and if given enough time, may become a thorn in our side."

"I do not think they could really-" Sendak starts to say.

Zarkon holds up a hand silencing him.

"They will never be able to defeat our Voltron, not while I still command it. But threats, even small ones must be dealt with. Besides...a second Voltron would have innumerable uses."

"Are you saying that it is time to-"

"Do not presume to know my plans, Sendak." Zarkon cuts him off again. "Tell Prince Lotor to prepare two more of the Robeasts..." He hesitates. "...and the Lions as well."


Zarkon only smiles. It is a horrifying menacing expression, that shows the teeth of a predator about to feast.

"Do as you are told Sendak. This promises to be an interesting day..."


Hunk sits in front of a giant stack of pancakes, which he is currently in the process of devouring.

"Glad to see that going on space adventures hasn't affected your appetite!" His mother says, beaming.

Hunk, his mother and all the members of the Garrett family sit inside their Garrison apartment, devouring a table full of breakfast foods.

"Neh-ver!" Hunk says with his mouth full. He swallows. "-It'll take a lot more than the Galra or evil robots to affect my appetite!"

"Was it scary?" His nephew asks.

"No way." Hunk swallows another bite of pancake. "...maybe a little bit...okay a lot." He says after a moment of consideration. "Yeah, now that I think about it, it was all pretty terrifying..."

"You must be glad to be back, then." His uncle says.

"Sure am!" Hunk munches on some bacon, before returning to his pancakes.

"We were a little worried after you had to fly off yesterday." Hunk's mother admits. "Especially after you only just got back."

"Oh that? Nah that was just...well a little scary too, I guess. But nothing to worry about, really. At this point I've gotten used to having to rush off to battle without any warning or notice."

The other adults at the table share a look. Hunk notices.

"What?" He asks.

"Well it's just..." his mother starts to say, but hesitates.

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