Episode One - The Dark Paladins

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Out in the deep stretches of space, in the infinite hollow blackness, a light begins to shine. It is not a soft, pleasant light but a harsh and aggressive one, that would hurt the eyes if looked upon too long. The light, violet in color, spreads out to form into a glyph shape. The glyph grows further, all the while the original core light burns brightly at the center. The glyph's size finally reaches its apex and the light blazes its very brightest.

Then, in an instant, the light and the glyph vanishes. In its place is the robotic form of Voltron. But this is not the Voltron we know. This Voltron is dark in color, with purple lines of light tracing up and down its body and limbs.

Inside the cockpit of the Black Lion, Emperor Zarkon sits at the controls.

"All Paladins check in," He says in his throaty, menacing voice.

"Honerva checking in," The Empress reports uneasily from the Green Lion.

"Lotor...checking in," The Prince pants out from the Red Lion. He is covered in sweat and looks the worse for wear.

"S-Sendak checking in," The Commander stutters from the Yellow Lion.

"...Raimon checking in, The maroon armored paladin of the Blue Lion replies stoically.

Zarkon gives a slight nod at the complete check in. "Honerva, report."

"The jump between dimensions was successful," Honerva replies. "...barely." She adds the last, with a wince.

"The fleet?" Zarkon asks.

"The rift is closed. They'll be dead in moments, if they aren't already."

"Hm." Zarkon takes his hands off the controls to interlace his fingers.

"So we are in a new reality with no army, no information, and no resources," Prince Lotor sums up, looking none the too pleased with the situation.

"We have Voltron," Zarkon says harshly. "That is enough. It is always enough boy."

"...yes my lord," Lotor says after a moment, gripping his controls tightly.

"Sendak, get me communications."

"I begun scanning the moment we exited the portal, my lord. It seems that the Galra Empire, in some form exists in this reality. The codes are different, but those are our signals. I'll have them cracked in under a varga."

"See that you do commander. We have a brand new universe to conquer. We'll start by taking over whatever flawed version of the Empire this reality holds. I am going to split up the lions for now. Lotor, Raimon, I want the two of you to search nearby planets. Find us a suitable place to rest for the time being. After that...we shall find out if this universe also holds its own Voltron. "


Voltron blasts onto the scene of a battle between Galra forces and the Voltron Coalition. The Galra outnumber the Coalition greatly. Voltron moves in between the two, activating shield and blocking the Galra line of fire.

"Attention Galra forces! This is Keith of the paladins of Voltron. Lay down your weapons and surrender, or we will use force."

There is a brief lull in the firing, but almost as suddenly the firing kicks back up and redoubles, only now focused solely at Voltron.

"I'm gonna go ahead and guess that's a no," Lance jokes.

Keith only sighs.

"Just our luck getting caught up in a battle on our way back to earth," Hunk says.

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