Episode Fourteen - The Noose Tightens

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Emperor Zarkon stares down at the altean colony with glowing eyes. Most of the alteans are training, sparring with weapons or carrying materials.

A door opens behind, and in walks Sendak. He approaches, coming to a stop just behind Zarkon. The Emperor doesn't turn to face Sendak.

"...we still have not heard word from your son." Sendak finally says.

"I am unworried." Zarkon replies evenly.


Zarkon chuckles. "I'm quite certain that boy hates me. And yet, he also seeks my approval. He'd never run, and he'll never work up the courage to turn on me. I have no doubt that at this moment, Lotor is seeking a way to redeem himself. And he does his best work when he's been properly motivated."

"I see." Sendak says thoughtfully. "But you are aware that Raimon is also with him?"

Zarkon chuckles deeply. "Of the two of them Raimon is even more unlikely to betray me than my son. I tested him quite thoroughly, to be sure. He completely under my domination. That man wouldn't turn on me, not for any reason. If I asked him to, he'd slaughter ever man woman and child in this colony. I'm certain he only joined Lotor to keep an eye on him. It's nice to have loyal pets, don't you think?"

"Yes, my lord." Sendak agrees.

Zarkon continues to stare down at the alteans. Sendak begins to grow agitated.

"...my lord, would you not like a better view? Our military has some fine displays that I'm sure would bring honor to you."

"I don't know about that. It's begun to grow on me." Zarkon nods to the alteans. "I have half a mind to destroy them right now. And yet, at the same time, I find myself feeling a certain sense of satisfaction."


"Because they serve me. Think about that. Some of Alfor's people managed to survive and now they are mine. And there isn't a blasting thing he can do about it. They even fight against his own daughter. Ironic, don't you think?"

"Certainly." Sendak says.

"Alteans." Zarkon shakes his head. Pitiful creatures, every one of them."

Sendak hesitates. "...except for the Lady Honvera, of course?"

Zarkon's eyes finally shift away from the scene to bore into Sendak. "...of course." He stares at Sendak several moments longer. "Was there anything else commander?"

"There is nothing, my Lord. I apologize if I've bothered you with my presence. I shall return to my duties. I believe Lady Honerva required my assistance with one of her machines."

Zarkon waves a hand, dismissing him. Sendak exits, leaving Zarkon to resume staring down at the alteans.


Princess Allura stands in front of the Blue Lion, a determined expression on her face as she stares back at the other approaching Paladins.

"Everyone ready?" She asks, more than a trickle of urgency in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah!" Lance calls back, dashing up to Red. "We can't all get ready in like thirty seconds like you."

"We're ready, Allura." Keith says, stopping just in from of this own Lion. "...are you?"

"Of course." She replies immediately.

Keith catches her eye. "You sure?"

"They're my people, Keith. I was, quite literally, born ready."

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