Episode Eight - Grand Regent

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Princess Allura steps inside what appears to be a holding cell flanked by Coran and Romelle.

Two alteans sit on the opposite end of the room. One is an older, bearded man, and the other is a young woman, possible a teenager. They look up as Allura enters, but their eyes soon take on a darker, more skeptical look.

" Hello there. I am Princess Allura, last in line of the altean royal family....I understand that you opted for a cell instead of remaining in your medical beds?" Allura says looking on both with concern. "After what you were through you really should be properly resting. Regardless of what you think you know about us, I am willing to make as many accommodations as I can for fellow Alteans."

"Princess huh?" The bearded man says, scoffing. "Well you can save your 'accommodations.' We heard all about you and your propaganda against Prince Lotor, and we aren't having it. Lotor is our savior and there's nothing you can do to change that. You too Romelle, we have no interesting in hearing your traitorous words."

Romelle grits her teeth and makes as if to shout back at the man, but Coran puts a hand on her shoulder and shakes his head. Allura by contrast is composed. She glances back at the other two and nods appreciatively before continuing.

"...You and I see the man know as Prince Lotor differently. There's no denying that. But we are all alteans, and regardless of how much or little you respect my title, I do still think of you as my people and feel responsible for what happens to you. I want to help you. Please, let me do that."

The bearded man scoffed. "So then 'Princess,'" he says it mockingly, "where were you all those centuries? Why, after never having even heard of you for generations, should we suddenly trust that you have our best interests in mind? Where were you when Lotor saved us from the brink of extinction? Did you give us a home when we needed one? DId you shelter us from the horrors of the universe? No. It was Lotor."

Allura looks physically struck by the words but she composes herself quickly.

"Coran here and myself were forced to hide the Castle of Lions and go into cryosleep to help conceal Voltron from Zarkon's grasps. I would have done anything to be there...but no. We had our duty, and that was to ensure that the greatest weapon in the universe did not fall into the hands of a mad tyrant."

"So you...what? Left all of your people to die so you could protect some weapon? It's clear to see what you truly value."

"That's not-

"Oh, and we saw your little 'Voltron' or your imitation of the real one anyway. I guess you did beat myself and Vatta. But only just. And yours will pale in comparison to the real one. The one on our side."

Allura winces at that. The old man sits forward interested.

"Ah...so our Voltron did show up after. I wish I'd been awake to see that. I'll bet you paled in comparison to Lotor and the other real Paladins."

Allura doesn't say anything. That seems to be all the confirmation the man needs. He chuckles.

"You may have caught us Princess, but we're going to win this war in the long run."

"I don't want a war!" Allura nearly shouts. "I just want peace, for once, in my life! I want all the fighting to stop! Isn't ten thousand years long enough!? Or does your precious savior Lotor tell you that all the death and sufferings is going to be worth it!? I don't know what he's promised you at the end of this road, but it's not enough!"

The man scowls and turns away.

"...I've got nothing more to say to you."

Allura clenches her fists tightly, but relaxes after a moment. She takes a long breath, and turns to address the other altean.

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