Episode Five - Two Voltrons

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Voltron floats opposite of the Dark Voltron, a wide gulf of empty space between them. Tension is written across each and every one of the Paladins faces as they stare at their counterpart. Even the Coalition ships remain still as the dead, as if fearing that any disturbance will initiate the inevitable attack. Keith is the first to finally break the harrowing silence.

"Guys we need to-"

Keith never gets a chance to complete his sentence, as Dark Voltron finally moves. It travels with unbelievable speed, closing the distance between the two mechas in the blink of an eye. It rips it's sword into existence, the violet blade already swinging as it materializes from Dark Voltron's hands.

"Shield!" Keith orders quickly.

Voltron moves it's shield into place at the same moment Dark Voltron's sword hits. There is a blinding flash of light as blue and violet energies clash. The result is Voltron being flung backwards from the force of the attack. Voltron crashes into an asteroid, cracking it's surface. The Paladins are unable to gather their bearing as Dark Voltron is already upon them again, plunging it's violet blade downward.

Hunk and Allura throw their throttles with all their might, pushing Voltron to leap out of the way, only barely missing the blade. Dark Voltron continues its downward plunge, burying it's sword into the asteroid. As it does the blade surges with energy and a huge chunk of the asteroid shatters. Bits of broken asteroid slam into Voltron, throwing it into an uncontrolled spin. With effort, all five Paladins manage to pull halt the chaotic tumble and right Voltron.

Dark Voltron remains where it is, unmoving among the debris of the partially destroyed asteroid. It holds it's sword out in front of it, in silent challenge.

"So...powerful." Lance remarks with horror.

"I'm not even going to try to explain how insane the quintessence readings coming off that thing are!" Pidge reports.

"He can't...really be back...and not...with Voltron." Allura says, her words in stark contrast to what she sees.

"What...what do we do?" Hunk asks, seemingly trying to retreat into his seat.

Keith takes a breath, and stares at their darker counterpart. "We can't let that thing keep us on our toes like that, we've gotta press the attack. Lance? Lance!?"

The other boy shakes his head, having been distracted by his staring. "Y...yeah?"

"Form sword."

"You got it..."

The moment Voltron brings it's sword out, Dark Voltron starts to move once again. This time, Voltron moves to meet it's enemy's charge. The two Voltrons meet, their blades clashing together in another flash of opposing lights. Voltron begins to get pushed backwards. The Paladins struggle with their throttles, pushing back with all they have, but it's isn't quite enough. Voltron continues to inch backwards under the power of Dark Voltron.

"How...do you like...this!?" Keith yells, slamming his bayard into it's port.

Voltron's booster wings erupt from it's back, finally forcing Dark Voltron backwards.

"...is this really all the strength you can muster?" Zarkon says.

The Paladins expression go from determination to uncertainty in an instant.

"Very well..." Zarkon replies to the silence. "...I will show you the power of Voltron in the hands of one who is worthy of it."

Dark Voltron's own booster wings erupt, immediately negating and overcoming Voltron's own force. Despite all their efforts the Paladins are unable to succeed against the overwhelming power. Dark Voltron pushes forward, shoving its helpless counterpart backwards, crashing them both through another asteroid, shattering it in the process.

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