Episode Thirteen - All fun and games...

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Honerva steps inside the cell, followed by two very nervous-looking guards. The walls within are scarred by energy burns, cutting across the remains of what were once. The table in the middle of the room is empty.

Honerva studies the table, looking troubled. One guard clears his throat.

"We wish we'd noticed sooner, but after the battle...well things were a little hectic."

"...how did she escape?" Honerva asks.

"We think that the power to this room momentarily failed during the attack, and she was able to free herself from the chair. After that she destroyed the glyphs and must have uh...found her way out."

Honerva continues to study the empty table for an extended period. Finally she turns to the guards. "Only the soldiers on this base have been permitted to know anything of the truth about us. It must remain that way. If this other Honverva, this...Haggar starts a power struggle within the galra ranks, it will be...unfortunate. She's to be treated as an imposter and killed on sight."

"Understood." The guards salute, and step outside the room.

Honerva sweeps one more look across the room before leaving herself.


Keith and Allura stride towards a Garrison rover, with the sun setting on the horizon ahead. They make it all the way to the front doors on either side, when they are stopped by a voice calling over.

"Hey guys wait up!"

They turn to see Hunk running up, dragging with him the reluctant looking Lance and Pidge.

"What's going on Hunk?" Keith asks, suddenly concerned. "Is it the galra? Did Darktron appear again? Are we under attack-"

"No, no." Hunk waves a dismissive hand. "I just heard you guys were going out to eat and thought, 'hey, it's been a while since we all did something as a team.' So I grabbed these two and decided to ask if there was room for a few more."

"And I," Lance says pointedly, "said that they'd probably prefer to be alone...to uh...relax and stuff." He shoots Keith and apologetic look.

Keith sighs.

"Yeah if you guys would rather keep the group small we can just leave..." Pidge adds.

Allura shoots a quick glance at Keith, then back to the other three. "Well...the more the merrier, I suppose. Let's all have some fun, why not?"

"Yeah!" Hunk says pumping a fist, while Lance and Pidge roll their eyes.

"Everyone pile in then." Keith says motioning to the rover.

The five Paladins all cram themselves inside the vehicle, and are soon speeding off towards the setting sun.


"So...this is the Landing Pad." Keith says, holding the door for the others, and waving a hand into the restaurant.

Inside, booth seats lined three of the four walls, with a bar at the back in front of the kitchen, and tables all in between. It appeared to be a busy night, with many of the table filled up by hungry customers.

"It's a great place for Garrison personnel to come take a load off, since it's so close to the base." Keith explained over the clamor of the room.

"Oh yeah I remember back when me and Hunk were cadets and we used to sneak out and..." Lance clears his throat. "I mean uh, come here totally authorized, and not during hours we were supposed to be studying."

"Paladin of Voltron, everybody." Pidge snickers.

Lance shoots her a look.

"Fascinating..." Allura says taking in the view of the restaurant. "...what do you call this sort of establishment, where the everyman eats here on Earth?"

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