Episode Seventeen - A Black Day

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Allura stares out of the shuttle viewport at the battle still raging outside. The shuttle is once again behind Coalition lines, which are now slowly retreating back from the colony planet. Energyfire tears back and forth between the two groups, as ships on either side continue to fall. Her eyes scan back and forth across the scene, as if searching for something.

The Atlas surges back to life, engine reviving in a flash of blue energy.
"Atlas is back online!" Matt declares over the comm.

The Altas extends the blade from it's forearm and begins slashing apart encroaching galra ships.

"Are we ready for retreat, then?" Ryner asks.

"Not yet! We're still waiting on Shiro!" Matt replies.

"And Keith!" Lance says.

The Atlas lets loose an energy blast that destroys half a dozen galra ships.

Nearby, the robeasts that were affected by the pulse begin to surge back to life as well. One moves for the Atlas and is knocked back by an arm blast. More rise to take its place. Soon the Atlas is battling half-a-dozen of the machines.

Allura watches it all, silently searching.

There is a sudden flash of light outside the viewport. Keith and Kosmo appear clinging to the outside of the shuttle. Allura stumbles back, agast.

Another flash and they are both inside. Keith immediately collapses to the floor. Allura rushes down to his side, pulling off his helmet. Keith coughs, eyes distant.

"Keith! Are you alright!?"

He coughs again, holding his side. He gives a slight shake of his head.

"This is Princess Allura! I've got Keith!" Allura states over the comm.

"Took him long enough." Lance says, mockingly.

"What about Shiro?" Pidge asks.

Keith's eyes immediately widen before going dark. He stares at Allura for an eternal moment.

"No..." She whispers, seeing an answer in his eyes.

In spite of his wincing pain, Keith reaches one hand over to the other wrist, activating his comm.

"Shiro...is gone..." He takes a shuddering breath. "...dead."

"WHAT!?" Comes the collective response of Lance, Pidge and Hunk.

"Keith, what the hell are you talking about!?" Matt exclaims.

"Zarkon...Zarkon killed him. I saw it."

"That's not..." Matt stammers.

"He...he's gone?" Hunk says with disbelief.

"We've got to try going back!" Pidge says suddenly.

"Yeah!" Lance agrees. "Maybe there's a chance he-"

"I saw it!" Keith shouts. His eyes begin to well up.

"But we can't just-"

"-Lance." Allura cuts him off. "...now is the time to call the retreat. If we stay any longer the enemy will encircle us and we'll all be trapped."

The comm is silent for a moment.

"...lets move out." Lance finally says, voice without strength.

The whole of the Coalition forces move back. The Atlas lingers for a few moments, still holding back the robeasts.

"...Matt. We've got to go." Pidge says carefully.

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